1. MM version is done! Final lights and aesthetic touches

    Jack Bell
    The ghosts of meridian update changed the indoor lighting intensity and brightness of a lot of colors including Gold which is a main part of this map. Everything looked much! brighter so I had to adjust all the lights down and tweak all the colors again.

    I deleted thevred/blue Japanese emblems strictly to help with frame rate issues. They were cool but killed the framerate. Using so many decal pieces in a small space... Sad to see them go

    Added new Japanese cliff side beach aesthetic to the outside the map including new alpine trees and bushes. Makes everything feel more grounded in a real place.

    Added new water sounds for lore authenticity. Waterfall in center, dripping and water slapping in the almost depleted basement and beach sounds all around the exterior.

    I optimized another 8 pieces in my budget for all the changes and it pays off with performance. This version I am so happy with I am calling it finalized.

    Please download, play, and review.

    I am trying to get this map into Matchmaking for 2v2 - 4v4 Arena

    New flythrough clip - http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/I LoTuS I/video/16445343
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