1. I adjusted every doorway and sightline

    Jack Bell
    Map has been updated and now utilizes the entire 1024 piece limit. I have shrunk a few doorways to help with cross-map sigh lines and movement incentive. I have also added a few more paths for vertical gameplay such as a broken vent that drops bottom mid from camp spawn and a short slide opening from top stairs to middle bridge. The camo is now on a static timer weapon pad every 2 minutes and the beam rifle bottom mid spawns every 3 minutes.

    The map now works with all game types - TS, Strongholds, CTF, and Breakout! I can't wait to try breakout in a custom game.

    lighting and piece size has been optimized to fix the small framerate issue in bottom mid.

    Check it out and please leave any feedback!

    I LoTuS I
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