1. v1.5

    Adjusted various areas where blocks were extruded oddly.

    Also, made significant changes to forest side near sword room. Made the ramp leading up to mid easier to use and more aesthetic.
  2. v1.4.1

    Fixed areas aesthetically. This is all the updates I have for today, and will look into making slight changes again on the weekend. So if you have "Garden v1.4.1" in the title, then you have the up to date version of the map!
  3. v1.4

    Added various weapons throughout the map due to a lack diversity in weapons when I played a game of slayer. There was only a BR and Carbine originally, aside from the power weapons, so I added grenades and smgs in places I thought would be appropriate.

    I also blocked off some areas and added soft kill barriers as well to keep people from going to places they aren't supposed to.

    Also fixed some various aesthetics to the map, most notably the blue room, near shotgun spawn.
  4. Garden v1.2

    I added various railings and fixed areas where pieces were out of place. Added more appropriate play space to the land piece right out side of the sword room and fixed other various rooms where items were clipping in a way that I didn't want them too.