1. Squally DaBeanz
    Squally DaBeanz
    You really don't understand squad design concepts, do you? Segregating infantry and vehicles paths is the complete opposite of what squad design strives for. It seems like you made a small overly simplistic infantry map in the center, then surrounded it with unnecessarily open vehicle paths simply to fit a criteria.

    "...more competitive approach to the otherwise casual playstyle that is squads."
    How so?

    "Instead of forcing infantry into an open, boring wasteland dominated by vehicles..."
    Yet you've created just that sort of area on the map.

    "...even when players are planking with the hogs."
    Again, you fail to realize the competitive potential of vehicles in the right hands.

    I think this map should be... wait for it...
    Sent to the gallows.

    Ba-dum tss :P