Map name is ESCORT VALLEY3! The UNSC didnt intend for their to still be inhabitants while going to the origins of the Precursor species. Now you fight to the death for your protection and the crews!
I DLed ESCORT VALLEY3 but when you open in custom games it spawns you outside the map. Tried with fragmented gametype and regular infection butt it doesnt work. Cant wait to try it. Pls post correct downloads. Thanks
We've never experienced those issues while testing the map and others downloading it so try deleting it and redownloading the map and gametype
Thanks Twink. Escort Valley 3 and Fragmented gametype? Also if you see me online invite me would love to try the game with you. MRX
You have to turn them on in the map settings. I did this because due to the glitchness of welding it can work 50/50
Thanks man shame that it glitches. Ive been thinking of building a similar concept (a moving stronghold) with covenant turrets welded to it. Do you have weapon pads/spawns on this map?