

Map Description

  1. nillapuddin626
    This is my remake of Foundation from Halo 2. This is a map familiar to all of us, I chose it as my first project because frankly I have a newborn and I wanted a small challenge I could actually finish!

    Here's a YouTube Flythrough (1 minute long)

    That said, I have a few design goals that I want to push forward

    1. Grapple-ability

    There is a flat glass ceiling that is sort of a requirement for me It’s at the highest position it can be in while still allowing players to grapple from the ground floor, I want to encourage those big slingshot moves where you zip from the bottom to the top and all around.

    2. Unique Bases

    Anyone who spent a lot of time on the original foundation knows how different all four bases are and certain ones like red base have unique properties (the fan vent where you climbed up to stay alive in og zombies). So while I’m cool with an overall aesthetic in the main play space, I’d like all four bases to have something unique visually

    3. “Glass”

    I fully intend on opening up some If not a good amount of the sidewalls to be able to see out of the map, I plan on forging in a way where you can peel back every inch of the curtain and not see anything you shouldn’t. There’s too much potential for awesome background art and canvas items, I don’t want to restrict everyone to a singular rectangle!

    4. Clear direction

    Being a symmetrical map where a lot of times the only safe place to spawn is in the bases, quick navigational cues are very important. In this block out version I’m very heavy-handed on the color coding of each quadrant. This should help players in an instant know where they want to be going. I know big blocks of primary colors might not be the most matchmaking type detail we’ve ever seen, but regardless of where the art goes I plan on leaving heavy on color to distinguish the four areas.

    So far in the maps development I have succeeded on goals #1 & #3.

    #2 I have not been able to accomplish yet, but as it does not affect gameplay too much I plan on updating the bases as we go .

    #4 I am almost there, but there is currently a bug where the emissives don't show up properly in game, so I'm not happy with the colors being displayed, in Forge I love it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I also would like to make some physical differences to the exterior so players who are not able to distinguish color clearly can still tell at a glance which base is which.

    Known issues:

    * Colored emissives don’t display properly in custom games
    * Bots now can only jump out of the bases instead of run (lol)

    Improvements to be made:

    * Better contrast of color between surfaces.
    * More cohesive look for materials in terms of color/shine.

    Please feel free to drop any critiques and suggestions! I'm looking for the map to improve and evolve over time. Most importantly, have fun!
    brusky0086 and JurassicWeeMan like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. brusky0086 brusky0086
    Fantastic theme and immersion level.The best Foundation available in Infinite. Art is great , gameplay is as should be and a lot of fun to play ,more so than I expected. Great Work. - Gameplay Video-


  1. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Foundation 1.5

    ! Valid criticism that the lighting was too flat

    * Made the overall atmosphere darker and added more lights inside the map.
    * Also made a few piece changes
    * Removed the bugged emissives

    Still work to be done, I saw a few objects when I took these pics that still don't look great. I'm not sure what it is exactly but there are definitely inconsistency between forge and custom games, I feel a bit like I'm chasing my own tail with getting pieces to look exactly the way I want

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