It's not bad, don't get me wrong, it's just.... very lacking. Lots of visible seams between pieces, and slight redundancy as you could cut back on pieces and as a result the seams. Scaling is wayyyyyy off. Map is much larger than it should be, and upping the player count will only make it worse because of how pathing and chokepoints work on it. Also, the lighting is most definitely too dark.
As I said, it's not a bad map, but it's a long way from being good. Don't let this discourage you though. Tinker around with it some more. Play with pieces, try to consolidate them and get red of seams. Mess with the scaling, see if you cant get it to an acceptable size for 4v4s. And the lighting man, do something about that!
This map is simply majestic. The atmosphere is familiar and fresh at the same time, capturing the feel of the original map and also creating his own.
The only "problem" with the map is the 4x granades and the 2x shotguns. I know they were there in Halo:ce, but it's far better to adjust the weapon placement to the new installement of the series, with only one shotgun and a pair of nades.