Extreme Frogger


Map Description

  1. Nate Rutledge
    *Must be played with Extreme Frogger gametype*

    To set up the game put two people on blue team and the rest of the lobby on red.

    Red team's objective it to reach the end of the map and pick up the flag without dying. They should be aware that there are obstacles along the way including a swamp that they must parkour through without touching the water. Frog 1.PNG Frog 2.PNG

    Blue team's objective is to shoot at warthogs that will thrust forward and splatter the frogs.
    Jake982 and InvokingTexan like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. b0b is here b0b is here
    I've been trying to get the word out on this. Mega Fun; touch o sweat.


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