1. Charles Stoot
    Charles Stoot
    Version: 1.0
    FINALLY you get a feature!!! This map is really great and balanced. I've played extraction, Slayer, I believe CTF on it and I got to say; great Job Shoe. The over all layout for each type of competitive criteria is different so much that the each part of map gets it's fair share of game-play in at least one of the three categories of game-types that the map was designed for. That mantis, it can be really used to the players advantage, if done right, but isn't to over powering to the point that if you organize an attack you can easily take it down. On this map, even if the teams are unbalance it doesn't feel frustrating with loosing. It's just an enjoyable playing experience and one doesn't get annoyed at the unbalance that certain maps can seem to give when you are in this position of un-balanced teams. Great work Shoe can't wait for the next map of yours.