Ever Green Valley

8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. BIGbear33slides
    this is my latest map, i hope you guys enjoy it.

    just a heads up i haven't tested ctf on this, please let me know how it plays out.

    Also i made this map and others on halo forge app PC. i should've took in consideration of console gamers when making my nature maps. I forgot that foliage is very taxing when it comes to frame-rate on consoles.
    In future maps i will make nature friendly maps for PC/consoles players.
    If you really want to play this map i strongly advise you to play this on PC, it runs very smoothly. Later in the future i will recopy and make a 2nd version for xbox gamers of this. I will tone down the foliage and have it console ready.

Recent Reviews

  1. FRED lllll FRED lllll
    There are a few problems with this map, I will address the pros, the cons, some recommendations for this map
    - Maps natural architecture looks very nice ( cliff faces, lighting, tree placement etc. )
    - Layout: actually a pretty solid layout with diverse route choice and a decent use of soft cover ( bushes ) However this blends with a con of this map.
    - Lighting is impressive for the amount of natural items

    - Natural terrain has many seams that could be addressed, the forerunner architecture is not necessarily very forerunner in nature.
    - Framerate problems litter this map, but performance was pretty ok surprisingly enough for the amount of foliage.
    - Lack of hardcover, but the vertical nature of this map helps with this.
    - The map is to small for BTB, and has a direct vehicle line from base to base, making the rest of the map unplayable for the most part or at least undesirable. ( Recommended player count 3v3 to 6v6 )

    I will split these into 3 sections Natural, Forerunner, Gameplay:

    1) budget it down, you can get a lot of from the foliage density, and use it to get back a lot of items back to help remove seams in your terrain
    2) Smooth out terrain, natural terrain should be smooth like "thick pudding" and should not have seams.
    3) Expand the outside of your map by dotting the outside of them with trees to make your map feel more like a place and less like a map.

    - Your architecture at some spots looks very forerunner, but then at others looks very wrong, your bases and central pad look pad, however your teleporter pad in the woods looks ok.
    1) Forerunner is streamlined and has a general flow of lines going through it that give each structure a direction, work with this and look @Portaleers maps for reference to what I am talking about.
    2) budget down your bases, shrink them and make it designed for 4v4.
    3) Your ring islands can look very bland, make them thicker and use more parts to accent them

    - overall gameplay was solid ( and I played this with 6 people at one point and it played well ). Players have good engagement, routes guide players and yet dodging and using the natural structures can benefit a players movement
    1) no wasps, the destroy absolutely any players on the map
    2) no mantises, they destroy all players on the map
    3) focus on a warthog, mongoose, and MAYBE ghost gameplay.
    4) Remove route from base to base, swap it to a cave and have it let players enter by bases, but exit over by the center of the map.

    A lot of the natural items could be done just as effectively with items where "less is more" will help you out. Your forerunner needs to be flushed out and made more forerunner, However, alot of your layout is actually pretty good and would benefit from a 4v4 focus being the map is so small. Overall a decent map that just needs a bit of work and I would love to see this improved, feel free to message me with any questions you have and I would be happy to help. :)

    -FRED lllll


  1. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    With that much vegetation, I swear I will eat myself live on camera if this doesn't has framerate issues.

    Disclaimer: I had my fingers crossed when I typed that
  2. FRED lllll

    FRED lllll Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I will be going through this map and giving it 3 reviews, an aesthetic (appreciation of nature/ accurate depiction of it), an artistic, and gameplay. I will tell you if it has frame-rate! and if it doesn't, I will eat my shorts. I am very excited to see all natural maps though it pleases me :)
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  3. FRED lllll

    FRED lllll Legendary
    Senior Member

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  4. BIGbear33slides

    BIGbear33slides Spartan III

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    think i fixed that problem. you can go try now
  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I took a look at a few of your natural maps. I like the concept, natural terrain is one of my favorite things to work on in maps and I love seeing it done well. That said, there were some issues I noticed that all three maps share to some extent:

    • Frame Rate - The frame rate tends to drop on all of these maps, especially when near the edges looking inward. This is almost certainly being caused by the vast quantity of trees, bushes, and other bits of animated foliage. While the maps look nice with all of these natural elements, the frame drops are going to harm the overall gameplay experience for most players.

    • Soft Cover - This is another problem cause by the foliage. The bushes and trees provide what is called soft cover, geometry that can be shot through but not seen through. This leads to awkward engagements where players cannot quite see who they are fighting, as well as players hiding inside of foliage and camping. Many players find that this takes away from the core Halo experience, especially when used excessively.

    • Player Orientation - While the lush, heavily forested aesthetic makes for good screenshots, I found it a little easy to get lost in at times. This was the least prominent issue that the trees caused, but I think it's worth noting that when nearly everything is nature it makes it harder to create a mental map of the space in one's mind.

    • Fire - The fire FX causes damage to players around it. I'd recommend switching to the [human; flames & smoke; x-small] fire and putting it deep enough under the pit to not cause damage around it.

    • Gravity Lifts - Man Cannons and Gravity Lifts should offer some indication as to which direction they launch the player. I see a few that look like they are pointing up but actually launch the player sideways.

    • Kill Boundaries - There are a lot of soft kill boundaries intersecting with the play space. While this does keep players from camping in the bushes it is frustrating to be constantly bumping into kill timers while just walking around the middle of the map. A better solution is to just cut down on campable bushes.

    • Weapon Positions - There are a lot of oddly placed weapons on the map: weapons stuck in trees, weapons wedged in the ground at odd angles, and weapons in hard to notice locations. Try to make sure all weapons are visible and are in positions that logically make sense. Weapons also should spawn in locations where they can be used but not in positions that will dominate the rest of the map. For example, putting a sniper in a sniper tower that has views over the whole map will probably make it too powerful. Putting it at a lower position allows it to still be used but prompts players to seek out better locations to snipe from after they pick it up. High level REQ weapons are also usually overpowered in arena Halo, but this is something that is best left up to individual preference. See how it plays before ruling it out.
  6. BIGbear33slides

    BIGbear33slides Spartan III

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    I left a message in the description my (ever green page) about the framerate issue; you should read it and i will be updating it on my profile as well. As for my older maps i haven't posted them because i will be fixing them later in the future
  7. BIGbear33slides

    BIGbear33slides Spartan III

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    Forgot one more thing, when i make my nature maps i like to keep it to the real thing as possible. i want to put players in an actual forest; to give them that feeling of realism, really use there minds in memorization and navigation. my maps will have complexity in its own ways. but i did forget to take in to account that console gamers have problems with nature maps. so for future maps i will be making more friendlier nature maps and re-fixing my older ones as well.

    i will explain it better on my profile in the near future. schools taking up most of my time right now so i gotta focus on that first. ;D
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    'sal good, I'm just trying to offer a more gameplay oriented perspective. It's definitely still a cool looking set of maps.
    FRED lllll likes this.

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