
8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. LegitimateTB
    Hello all. After about 2 months of delay, I am finally here to bring you all my next map. I love working with BTB maps, and I was either stretching on a city theme or a forerunner theme. I chose a city theme as I'm more of an urban artist and love my urban scenery's and architecture. This map is a BTB Slayer map with 2 snipers and a spartan laser as the main power weapons. However, there are strong weapons scattered around the map to take advantage of as well. But there is a big addition to this map, which I believe is the first time something like this has happened in Halo 5's forge, and to this extent. Just watch the skies for a pelican supply drop!! I might turn this into a series of maps, as you can take a lot of advantage with city maps as of how big you can make them!! I'm going to continue tinkering and messing with this map upon requests from you guys who play this map and give me feedback! Thanks all for looking at this map, please give it a download and support me by giving me feedback as I love doing this, for me and everyone in the community! (For anyone wondering my GT Is LegitimateTB)


  1. NILLOC916

    NILLOC916 Legendary

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    The pics are for some reason messed up for me. Which pisses me off because from the thumbnails it looks great.
    LegitimateTB likes this.
  2. LegitimateTB

    LegitimateTB Legendary

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    Yeah its the same for me and other people, i have no idea why its like this. Umm if you check this link here you'll find all the screenshots and videos of the map :)
    Edit: Sorted the issue, was the links I used to direct people to the pelican script. For anyone who wants to see the pelican drop off script in action before downloading the map, just have a look at these 2 links :)
    #3 LegitimateTB, Mar 21, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  3. LegitimateTB

    LegitimateTB Legendary

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    Thomas Bradford updated Ethereal with a new update entry:

    Initial Launch fixes and add-ons

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    #4 LegitimateTB, Mar 22, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  4. LegitimateTB

    LegitimateTB Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Thomas Bradford updated Ethereal with a new update entry:

    After Test fixes and add-ons

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. LegitimateTB

    LegitimateTB Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Thomas Bradford updated Ethereal with a new update entry:

    A needed one

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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