
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. mr diehard 007
    It has been a long summer and I've had little time to forge, but this past week, I found some time to finish what started as a concept map. I proudly present my inaugural H2A map; Eternal.

    I thought up Eternal while thinking of a new mausoleum map. While thinking about tombs, I got some inspiration from ancient human pyramids, so I pondered; why not make the Forerunner pyramid that inspired those built on Earth?
    The map is essentially a large three-sided pyramid with the addition of two wings. I intentionally rotated the structure so that the light source would pour in though large Forerunner-themed windows, illuminating the interior. The wings also take in a lot of light due to their many windows.
    The interior of the map has many aesthetic features like; sarcophagi, an altar, stacked graves, Forerunner type pieces, and a glass monument. Between the altar (center) and window wall, there is a raised area which is a great vantage point. Below that there is a tunnel-like straightaway. The tunnel and wings can be used for separation. As far as purpose, the map has a unique balance between close quarters combat and open area fighting. Though the map is small, there are enough lines of sight and crouch-cover for BRs, but to control the map center, one will need to utilize close quarters techniques and weapons between the many features that break lines of sight. The center is basically an arena filled with aesthetic obstacles, so the sword is power. However, you will need to play the map for yourself to find what best fits you!

    Though the map is only slightly bigger than Warlord, my main focus was to make it both grand and beautiful. I'll admit that I did get carried away with aesthetics so the map is filled 650/650 pieces and has many complex polygons. For this reason, I kept the gametypes simple (only Slayer and TS), and I had to remove exterior initial spawn cameras (frame rate lag when viewing the entire map from outside), so the only way to view the map from its exterior is in forge. Luckily, the interior experiences no frame rate lag so gameplay is at regular speed. And, the interior is just as appealing as the outside.

    I hope you will all enjoy this map because it will probably be my only H2A map considering Halo 5 is almost here. I will probably update the map as time goes on and as I get more feedback, but until then I hope you all like it!

    (map is in my file share. gtag: mr diehard 007)

Recent Reviews

  1. Zaelkyria Zaelkyria
    That's awesome dude.
    The only thing that bothers me : framerate. :/


  1. NickCastille

    NickCastille Legendary

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    This is very gorgeous. The glass really works to make both the inside and outside much more aesthetically pleasing.
    mr diehard 007 likes this.
  2. mr diehard 007

    mr diehard 007 Legendary

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    mr diehard 007 updated Eternal with a new update entry:

    Eternal 2.0

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. mr diehard 007

    mr diehard 007 Legendary

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    mr diehard 007 updated Eternal with a new update entry:

    Update #2

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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