4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. DrowsyPuppet
    Add or follow me on Xbox Live if you want to download the map
    GT: DrowsyPuppet
    mapname in bookmarks: Epitaph v1.1 (latest version)

    Note that I did not have direct access to the map, but instead videos and pictures as reference. I couldn't get it exactly right, however I am happy with the results so this is just for reminder.

    First of all, Epitaph is an asymmetric map that is very reliant on verticality and close-quarters combat, featuring weapons such as shotguns and SMGs, but also weapons such as the sniper rifle as the map has long-medium sightlines. Not to mention the rocket launcher and energy sword being used to take down enemy spartans within seconds if you're fortunate to get your hands on them, following those weapons with the active camo and overshield keeping you on your toes.

    This is my first remake of a map, and I have chosen Epitaph because it has stuck out to me as something that is memorable of which I want to see with new gameplay mechanics. Also to get better at forging of course ;)

    I chose Glacier for my map because I wanted to do a snowy take on the map, but then I slowly realised what I've just done. I've tried my hardest at covering the mistake by put on beige distant fog. Too late to go back but it shouldn't distract you from what the map really is unless this text does the exact opposite.

    Unfortunately despite being a small map, I have hit the object limit quite quickly due to the amount of detail that is needed and the scale of the map preventing me from being able to use bigger objects without them poking out the other side (I used spawn points/eyeballing videos as rough measurement) so the map may lack a lot of detail, but it should still play the same as and represent the original, hopefully I invest in smart thinking and find better objects to use next time (or beg for a bigger object limit).

    This map is playable with classic movement mechanics. Although you can jump almost anywhere like you can with thrusters, the lane from golden lift to the other gravity lift is too wide to be able to jump from one side to the other, so sorry about that, it will take too long to fix. Probably also affected by the fact that jumping is a tad bit heavier in Halo 5. I also saw someone in a video do trick jumps on sides of walls but
    Moving on now...

    Weapons. Ever since the Forerunners have replaced the Brutes, I've been scrambling to find the correct replacements for them. I have placed either a Suppressor or Boltshot in the same spots that the Spiker has been in. I would replace the Brute Shot with a Plasma Caster but I am not sure that's a good idea.
    There aren't any equipment either, and I was running out of objects, so the only replacement I've done is to the Bubble Shield, replacing it with Splinter grenades. There were three shotguns, but I removed one because my friends suggested that it was too many.
    No Gravity Hammer so of course the Energy Sword is the proper replacement for it, would've been neat if I could lower movement speed on it. Rocket Launcher sits on the top platform but only holds two rockets.
    I've tried my best to copy the weapon placements of the original and I've succeeded in that, however I assume it wasn't all that balanced in the first place. Feedback on weapons appreciated.

    Gamemodes. I've added Capture the Flag, not One-Flag, because there is no One-Flag. Blue flag is at blue spawn, and the red team of course are at advantage, but that is how the map was made. No Oddball yet, sorry. I added four initial spawns for each blue, red, yellow and green.
    Almost the respawn points are in the same places as in the original, some are missing due to budget constraints.

    The gravity lifts are mostly working and they ignite warm rays of light. it would've been nice if you could've had an adjustable boundary gravity lift, but that's just a thought.

    The lighting system leaves me with darkened objects, but that probably means I would have to put in more lighting, which I cannot afford to do with my budget.

    Alright so hopefully I've given enough detail, hopefully not too much. This is my first map uploaded on ForgeHub, I don't know what to say and hopefully you guys enjoy the map as much as I do. I've tried my best and have managed to have some fun games on this map with friends. It's amazing what can be done with this iteration of Forge and I can't wait to see more come out of it. I'm glad that I'm sharing this map with the rest of the halo community as it is.
    x2 Splinter Grenades, Respawn 45s
    x4 Frag Grenades, Respawn 30s
    x2 Plasma Grenades, Respawn 45s

    x1 Plasma Pistol, Despawn 30s, Respawn 10s
    x2 Shotgun, Despawn 30s, Respawn 2m
    x1 Needler, Despawn 30s, Respawn 10s
    x1 SMG, Despawn 30s, Respawn 20s
    x2 Suppressor, Despawn 30s, Respawn 20s
    x1 Boltshot, Despawn 30s, Respawn 20s
    x2 Storm Rifle, Despawn 30s, Respawn 20s

    x1 Rocket Launcher, Despawn 30s, Respawn 3m
    x1 Energy Sword, Despawn 30s, Respawn 3m
    x1 Sniper Rifle, Despawn 30s, Respawn 3m

    x1 Active Camo, Respawn 3m
    x1 Overshield, Respawn 3m

    The video shows all the weapons placed on the map except for the two frag grenades that I placed next to the Suppressor near golden lift (pre-Epilogue overshield spot).

Recent Reviews

  1. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    I do like the map, but I found the forging to be a little sloppy. There are so many items in forge that could of been used. There were a few spots that were z-fighting and some obvious blocks that were just sticking out with nothing to hide the flaws. The gameplay is good enough, given that it is a remake, but I think you could put more time into cleaning the map up, making it look better and not having corners sticking out here and there. If all you were going for was recreating the game play experience, of course that is there, but aesthetically, it could be touched up quite a bit.
  2. Nice remake of a classic halo 3 map solid solid
  3. NotDonovan NotDonovan
    Looks and feels just like Epitaph...amazing


  1. Unitrov11

    Unitrov11 Legendary

    Likes Received:
    The main structures and layout on this map look really good! Imo Epitaph is in the top 10 for multiplayer maps. I have just a few suggestions for you from what I'm seeing so far.

    1) The active camo was actually outside where you have the two splinter grenades.
    2) Back down the lighting effects on the rocket grav lift.
    3) Push the aesthetics just a little more. I don't think it needs much but a little would go a long way. I don't think it needs to be exact but give it a little of your own flair.

    Well done!
    h0twing3 likes this.
  2. DrowsyPuppet

    DrowsyPuppet Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Hello and thank you Uni for your kind feedback!

    In Epilogue I believe the active camoflauge was near the gravity lift while it was on the splinter grenade spot in Epitaph, but yes, I will probably swap those around and see how it plays.

    The gravity lift lighting is a bit much, I will tone it down a bit. Thanks for mentioning it.

    Aesthetics will be a bit of a task to do when I'm on the tip of the iceberg with the object budget, I will try see if I can dig up some space for more of it.
    Given To Fly likes this.
  3. Nollemaster

    Nollemaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    The map looks really stunning, it's almost as if I was walking around on the real Epitaph! Imagine how stunning the map could become with a higher budget, with that said, I really think you allocated the budget well, all the key elements are there. (The columns in the alcoves look amazing!) Also good job on the lighting, I think that is the main map seller for me, looks really similar to the original map.

    Have you considered making the platform normal physics while keeping it suspended in the air by small invisible blockers? I think it's a long shot to get it working like the platform in Halo 3 but if you got any budget left I'd definitely experiment some with it.

    I might post a review of the map if I ever get around to playing some matches on it with friends :)
  4. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

    Likes Received:
    One of my favorite H3 maps done justice. Not digging your weapon placements but structure is A1
  5. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Wow, great work. It looks like you nailed all the key elements and I think the aesthetics are awesome considering budget limitations. Thank you for the time and effort you put in to building this, I will definitely download once I get H5.
  6. h0twing3

    h0twing3 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Epitaph on H3 seemed so underrated. And it's a pretty good map. It would only load two maybe if not one time a day unless you were playing the free for all playlist.
  7. DrowsyPuppet

    DrowsyPuppet Legendary

    Likes Received:
    DrowsyPuppet updated EPITAPH with a new update entry:

    Epitaph v1.1

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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