"Endless" is a remake from the Halo 2 Map "Elongation" and it´s my first working with the new scripting. This map is a little bit bigger than the original map and have a few new things.
The optional gametype for Endless is Slayer. "Strongholds" will follow.
4x BR (30 Seconds)
2x Plasma Bolt Launcher (60 Seconds)
2x Hydra (60 Seconds)
2x DMR (30 Seconds)
2x Light Rifle (30 Seconds)
2x AR (20 Seconds)
2x Plasmapistol (20 Seconds)
2x SMG (30 Seconds)
2x Shotgun (90 Seconds)
1x Railgun (180 Seconds)
Other Things:
1x Overshield (120 Seconds)
4x Frag Grenades
4x Plasma Grenades
Endless have a few little bugs (Crates and Light).