Elevator Evac

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. sourwaffle
    A symmetrical small scale map heavily inspired by mission 5 Evacuation when you climb the scaffolds of the elevator. The map takes place on a high altitude construction scaffold building an incomplete orbital elevator. Some areas copy a similar layout and the color scheme to the original mission. Provides unique gameplay with narrow catwalks, close quarters, and verticality. There are many different routes players can discover using clamber. Climbing to the top for map control or navigating under the map jumping beam to beam to flank the enemy. It also requires an understanding of your surroundings and complete control over your Spartan, so you don't evade and thrust off the edge. Supports only slayer game types, 2-4 team slayer or FFA 2-4, 2v2 swatnums felt amazing with the map.

Recent Reviews

  1. Ty Rex2033 Ty Rex2033
    The map by my personal opinion needs cut back on the level scale or by removing a floor, this map is potentially great for 4 at its current state... Great work, well done map
  2. mu7ashi mu7ashi
    Very nice map just looks amazingly well planned.


  1. xNemesis 217

    xNemesis 217 Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Wow great job on the map. This looks pretty sweet. Going to have to give this one a download
  2. mu7ashi

    mu7ashi Legendary

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    Good job on the map, keep em coming!
  3. Dorque_Fu

    Dorque_Fu Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Definitely one of my favorite missions from H5. Dig what you have here. It looks solid. I'll be giving this one a download to try out. Good work!

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