
1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Orzium
    Intoduction:<br />Hello fellow Forgehub users, today I have a map that has been in the works for a while now. Created on the Nebula canvas, this 1v1 competitive map features solid gameplay and offers an abundance of re-playability. My first 1v1 map in this game lacked vertical gameplay however, this map is heavily based upon verticality which makes map knowledge extremely important. This map is great for both competitive and casual games and is my second submission to the Forgehub 2015 1v1 competition. <br /><br />This map only plays with slayer and features an Overshield, Sniper and Brute Shot.<br /><br />Map Download Link Instructions:<br />Throw "Orzium" a friend request and when i'm online you can get the file off my Fileshare. You can't do the campaign leaderboards thing as I haven't played any campaign.<br /><br />Gametype Download Link Instructions:<br />Throw "Orzium" a friend request and when i'm online you can get the file off my Fileshare. You can't do the campaign leaderboards thing as I haven't played any campaign.<br /><br />
    <br />Map Overview Shot/ Weapon Respawn Intervals:
    <div>OverShield: 90 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br />Sniper: 60 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br />Brute Shot: 60 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br /><br />[​IMG]</div>
    <div>* Sorry about the Halo 4 map markers used *<br />* The Concussion Rifle image is a brute Shot*</div>
    a Chunk and WAR like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. a Chunk a Chunk
    I dig this map. It's my favorite of the symmetrical 1v1 maps submitted to the contest.

    Gameplay is generally focused around the Brute shot area, since it's a good place to punish a respawning opponent. The upper walkway ends up being used as a counter position to a player roaming around the Brute Shot area.

    Probably my only complaint with the map is the teleporter from bottom mid to Brute Shot. It was essentially never used, partially because it sends you to a high traffic area, and partially because the sender is a little bit awkward to get to. It's a minor complaint though. It didn't really have a negative impact at all.
  2. Blaze Blaze
    Really clean and simply designed. For a symmetrical 1v1 map it had surprisingly good flow and didn't gravitate to the central power position as thit had good exposure from the outer areas of the map. I told you this right after I played it but the only the I had any issue with was the central teleporters didn't seem to have much reason. Otherwise great job.


  1. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is a lot of fun! I really enjoyed playing it, even though I got rekt due to host!
  2. Orzium

    Orzium Legendary

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    Aussie connection ;)
  3. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really enjoyed playing on this Orzium, but I still wont give it a rating untill its completely finished ;) I really love the emphasis on top control and the major role the teleporters play, its a style I've always obsessed over. :)
  4. Orzium

    Orzium Legendary

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    Cheers dude, I will let you know the finished version when it is done. I plan on using dynamic weapon spawn times and slighly re constructing the back teleporter area :)

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