Eagles Nest

8v8 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. nillapuddin626
    ** November 2016 Update **

    This map has been moved to Tidal, with new altered aesthetics and gameplay improvements, check out the new bookmark here

    ** November 2016 Update **

    Rats Nest remake, now a small closed circuit high in the sky.

    Map features an expanded weapon set, at least 1 of every tier 1 weapon is available, when possible traditional placements were upheld.

    Fully featured pipe running along the ceiling, There are 4 ways to get on-top of the pipes on each side. 2 in the back middle by the hogs, 1 on the entrance/exit of each teams side, as well as 1 way up behind Ghost. In the walk through video below I demonstrate these, however they are pretty self explanatory.

    The outside ledge has been altered for aesthetic purposes and has some gameplay changing elements, however it mostly retains gameplay equivalency.

    Quick Drive Around the Loop

    More detailed walkthrough

    GT: nillapuddin626

    special thanks to mega and nokyard, for keeping me company while I did everything ; )

Recent Reviews

  1. This map, looks astounding. The degree of accuracy is astounding. 'Accurate' is often overused as a description, but the way this map was able to be made in such detail and still come in supporting everything you'd ever want to play on it is impressive.


  1. Saucy

    Saucy Legendary

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    Looks awesome! Can't wait to get home and give it a try
  2. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    3/2 Update:

    - Oops! I was told the Assault Bomb arming plates were on the wrong sides of the map, they have been reversed so it plays proper. Thanks for those who told me, sorry for those who didnt know!

    - Added two Youtube videos that different channels did of the map, check em out!
    #3 nillapuddin626, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016

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