Dugout was a unique opportunity presented to a few of the remaining ForgeHub staff on the last day of HCS Orlando. When we were informed that free play was an option for guests to play on the previously free-for-all occupied consoles, Max Extra turned to 0micron and I and laughed, "We should forge a map here."
We both laughed. We didn't even have our controllers and we would obviously be forced to give up our spots to some of the competitive guests. Right?
Flash forward about 15 minutes and we secured three corner monitors to ourselves along with a few controllers courtesy of @I Crush All. Within the first 20 minutes I had a rough layout, Max perfected it and 0micron began laying out some visuals. We managed to complete 80% of the entire finished map in just shy of an hour before having to give up our position in the free-play arena!
We were approached several times by a few competitive guests who, upon realizing what we were accomplishing, understood and were supportive of our endeavors there at HCS Orlando. I'd like to give a shoutout to them, but unfortunately I have no idea who they were.
Anyway, the following week I finished Dugout by myself 100%, but the map would not have been possible without @Max Extra's handy work of spawns, weapons, and hard blockout, @The Omicron's aesthetic prefabs which provided a sense of scale and base for the visuals, and of course @I Crush All for sitting through this and watching two grown men and one very childish woman forge a map together live.