Here's an early Halloween Treat
(Sorry to the people with arachnophobia!!!)
..Warning: Download Button brings you to all of my prefabs for some reason. I still don't know how to fix this bug. if someone can help, I would really appreciate it! If you want to Bookmark this Prefab, please, look through this LIST (my apologies for the inconvenience..)
There's a few days until kids start demanding sweets at bag-point on your door step, so until then, freak some kids out with THIS drivable Black Widow!
-This vehicle can fit through very tight spaces because the legs on the sides are tucked in and are positioned up above the ground.
-There are 8 glowing eyes that light up your surroundings. This is very scary in dark maps. O_____0
-The only way to kill this spider is to shoot it's vulnerable belly or flip it on it's back so it can't get back up.
-Once the Black Widow is on it's back, it can't get flipped. It acts as a 'dead spider' on it's back!
-Extremely fast vehicle. Can turn on a dime and crawls up steep grades easily.
-It took me over an hour to build and adjust things to my liking. c:
-The abdomen (her butt) took the longest to shape out. (I used covenant cover pieces hehe)
-I am arachnophobic and was freaked out by this giant creature I built while I was building it! (very strange experience XD it was super fun to make though!)
(57 pcs)
Happy Halloween!