1. iParanormal
    Version: 2016-02-05
    Pretty good map. My initial opinion when I saw some of the long lines-of-sight was "omg this is huge" but with the man-cannons and interconnecting elevation changes, along with the variety of power weapons my decisions were influenced into combat. The aesthetic windows are excellent.
  2. Ty Rex2033
    Ty Rex2033
    Version: 2016-02-05
    The map defiantly captured my attention the bright colors and use of decals. The map personally is refreshing(un-known), I noticed the open sight-of-lines and the maps essence is different. I think everything was well done(My personal opinion)

    > I'd have liked to see more clambering, air-lifts, maybe teleporters.<

    10/10 for everything like the map but felt it needed more for gameplay (halo 5 style, not halo classics) if anything great map rates high with my standards!!