Dreamwaker's Ketch

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. SimmonsZore
    This is my first submission for the 2v2 contest. A 4v4 is much. However it works, if you tickle my fancy. The map, in all, is a combo of my old Halo: Reach called "Twisted System" and a Destiny map called "The anomaly".

    Each side of the map has it's own power weapon as well as a Sniper in center, which is the main power weapon here. This map was built to make the sniper a force to be reckoned with. However, each power position has it's own way of keeping a sniper on it's toes.

    Dreamwaker's Ketch is a Destiny inspired map with the gameplay flow of one of my best master pieces. Remember to provide feedback.

    Add "SimmonsZore" to bookmark.

    (EDIT) Added additional cover to open street on both red and blue spawns. Adjusted color of sword lift with arrow decals on where the lift takes you. Replaced BR's at team spawn with SMG's. Adjusted Z-fighting on 3C.
    Xandrith likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Pretty good map. My initial opinion when I saw some of the long lines-of-sight was "omg this is huge" but with the man-cannons and interconnecting elevation changes, along with the variety of power weapons my decisions were influenced into combat. The aesthetic windows are excellent.
  2. Ty Rex2033 Ty Rex2033
    The map defiantly captured my attention the bright colors and use of decals. The map personally is refreshing(un-known), I noticed the open sight-of-lines and the maps essence is different. I think everything was well done(My personal opinion)

    > I'd have liked to see more clambering, air-lifts, maybe teleporters.<

    10/10 for everything like the map but felt it needed more for gameplay (halo 5 style, not halo classics) if anything great map rates high with my standards!!


  1. Ocular Stratus

    Ocular Stratus Legendary

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    My only complaint is that power weapons aren't on weapon pads strictly because its an original map.
  2. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    I wanted to place the sniper on a weapon pad, since it's the main power weapon. However, we aren't able to change clip size. All the power weapons here are restricted to only 1 or no spare clips to reduce it's use.

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