Drag Race 2


Map Description

  1. OPG StingRay17
    Teams of 2 must drive across this massive straight away while other teams interfere. Have your passenger kill other racers or be killed and having to wait a new round to restart. When reaching the end there will be an item to collect ending the round in a win.
    DazeJet likes this.


  1. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map could use some work. Simply put, it's very clunky. For example, at the start of the track, the rails blocking the way to the elevated paths seem unnecessary. Everyone in my lobby who tried going that way never made it smoothly. This makes people ignore the elevated path simply because they'll be slowed down if they even attempt to get to it.

    You also need to make clear the advantages/disadvantages of using a certain path. Once again, I'll use the start of the track as an example. You should make the elevated paths take longer to traverse. Maybe make the way up steeper. Make players decide between safety (elevated path) or speed (the dangerous path laced with explosives in the middle).

    It would also be nice if the obstacles at the end aren't all just pillars sticking out of the ground. Just looks lazy.

    And is the gametype for this map "Drag Race" in your File Share? Because it spawns everyone with an AR and pistol. Drag Race is meant to be played with Fiesta settings. Random weapons. Just change up the player health/damage settings to balance out the power weapons.
  2. OPG StingRay17

    OPG StingRay17 Legendary

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    Thanks for the feedback! I did sort of feel that the rails at the begging were a bit unnecessary so I'll definitely change them up a bit. As for the end i can see about using different pieces.

    The Gametype is in my file share btw and runs under fiesta slayer.
  3. OPG StingRay17

    OPG StingRay17 Legendary

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    OPG StingRay17 updated Drag Race 2 with a new update entry:

    Race paths and Obstacles

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You should update your pics

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