Dr. Tim's Time Machine


Map Description

  1. Lost Pinecone
    Click here to download


    Time travel is old news to the brilliant scientist Dr. Tim, he's moved on to his next project, this thing:


    Unfortunately, a future version of himself has dismantled the device and hidden it's 3 parts.


    And to make matters worse, Future Dr. Tim also hid the keys to the cabinet where important things are kept.


    So now, Dr. Tim (not the future one, that guy is a jerk!) must travel through time and solve puzzles in order to complete his latest project.

    There are 3 time periods to explore:

    2558 (Present)


    2557 (1year ago, during the construction of the facility
    where Dr. Tim works)

    1556 (1000+ years in the past)
    (I know the pics show 0556, that was a previous version,
    please disregard all zeros, thanks)



    Name: Dr. Tim's Time Machine

    Gamertag: A Squid Loaf

    Players: 1-4 (It's possible to play with more but not
    recommended as it becomes hard to keep track
    of what's been done)

    Gametype: Slayer with unlimited time. (It's a good idea to have
    everyone on the same team if playing with multiple

    Important Notes:

    1) This map has been thoroughly tested and is 100% functional. If you get stuck it's because I'm a jerk and made the map too hard, not because the map is broken.

    2) Crouch to interact with objects on the floor. The Halo 5 switches used in scripting have a small area of interaction that cannot be expanded (believe me, I've tried). This means you have to get close to the object you want to interact with. I've added red X's to most objects/spots that can be interacted with to help.

    3) Remember, if you have more than one team, and the other team leaves, the game will end. Now, this isn't that big of a deal for this map (but still annoying) because almost all the time is spent on figuring out what to do, not doing it. Once you know exactly how to do everything, you can complete the map in under 4 minutes. This means it will not take long to get back to where you were previously.

    4) Keep in mind that you can complete this puzzle map solo, so jumping on other players heads and other kinds of cooperation are unnecessary. (But still fun to try).

    5) If you would like a hint, you can look at the guide in the post below (a few posts down).

    Click here to download

Recent Reviews

  1. M4t7theNinja M4t7theNinja
    Can't go wrong with this series, it just keeps on getting better and better! thanks for the upload!
  2. Ticky Ticky
    Once I figured out what was going on, it was one of those awesome moments. Very creative map, Pinecone. I'll have to try your others now :)
  3. Super awesome and mind blowing map!
  4. One of the most creative puzzle maps i have played. Lots of fun to play with mates.


  1. TWC Mickey

    TWC Mickey Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Done! Yes! 28 mins
    Lost Pinecone likes this.
  2. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice Mickey, that's a pretty good time, most people during testing did it around 45 minutes.
    TWC Mickey likes this.
  3. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So, I've been getting a ton of messages about this map so I figured I would provide some more tips/info here.

    1) The red X's indicate where you interact with something, not when. This means if you can't interact with an X, you need to get an item first.

    2) At the beginning, you are looking for 3 keys to open up the cabinet in the back room labeled "restricted access."

    3) The red key is in the time machine room (almost everyone has trouble with this one).

    4) The 2nd set of keys are all in 2557.

    5) There are only 2 things to do in 1556 (an X and an item), so you don't need to spend too much time there. I say this because it's a pretty big place and would probably take an hour to comb through it all.

    6) There's a little secret inside the top of the crane (accessible once you've completed the map).

    7) Last but not least, I am working on a sequel which should be ready sometime soon. I've already had a round of testing done, and beta testing is under way as we speak, so all that's left is some final tweaking. Look for my forgehub post, the map will be called: Dr. Tim's New Universe.

    Thanks everyone for playing and liking my map. I've received 100's of messages on XBL of people letting me know they liked the map and finished it in x-amount of time. I've tried to reply to everyone but if I missed you, know that your support is appreciated.
    #4 Lost Pinecone, Feb 1, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  4. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dr. Tim's Time Machine Guide

    Step 1: Gaining Access

    Yellow Key:

    Located in the starting room.
    On top of "metal detector," you have to jump then crouch to get up there.

    Blue Key:

    Located in the Chemicals Room.
    On top of pipe in chem room, jump on the light then on top of device, then onto pipe.

    Red Key:

    Located in the Time Machine room.
    On the floor leaning against the time machine, hidden by 2 crates across from the fuel sign.

    Step 2: Getting Part A

    Interact with 2 things in the 2557 gym.
    After pushing the 2 things on carts in 2557, go back to 2558 gym and use them to jump onto the light. From there make your way to the tech piece above the basketball hoop and jump up into the attic.

    Step 3: Getting Part B

    Blue Key (2557):

    Located by the crane.
    Crouch and go between 2 of the treads to get underneath the crane. As soon as you get past the treads look to your left, it's sitting on a small ledge in the corner.

    Red Key (2557):

    Located in the 2557 gym area.
    On the ledge between the wall and the diagonal beams of the roof. It leans against one of the middle diagonal beams.

    Yellow Key (2557):

    Located in the 2557 Time Machine room.
    In the corner with a ton of crates, walk along the floor and make your way behind the crates to where part of the wall is missing. The key is in the cave-like opening on the floor.

    Part B:

    Use the 2557 fuel barrel on an X.
    Use the 2557 Barrel on the X in 1557, shoot it, then return to 2557 where the rock blocking one of the cargo containers is now gone. Part B is inside the container.

    Step 4: Getting Part C

    Use 2 items on the X's near the tree in 2558. 1 item is in 1557 and the other is in 2557.
    Pick up the logs hidden by some trees in 1557, they are located behind the time machine and to the left. Also pick up the sparking thing near 2 green dumpsters in 2557. Go back to 2558 and interact with the X's near the tree (left than right). C is located behind the fire where the tree used to be, up against the wall.

    Step 5: Finishing Up

    Place parts A, B, and C in the lab in 2558.
    Interact with the 3 red buttons on the cylinder device in the middle of the lab.

    Note: Within each "Hint" spoiler tag is a "Cheat" spoiler tag that tells you exactly how to do that section.
  5. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  6. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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