Dr. Tim's New Universe


Map Description

  1. Lost Pinecone
    Click here to download


    After building the mysterious device from Part 1, Dr. Tim (and friends) are transported to a new universe created by the machine.

    Unfortunately, shortly after arriving the device broke:


    Now Dr. Tim (and friends) must figure out how to escape this bizarre place and return to his (their) own universe.

    There are 3 major areas to explore (7 areas in total):

    Area 1: The Weirdlands

    How weird are the Weirdlands you might ask? This weird:


    You must find 3 miniature cabinets and attach them to a giant red switch (from Part 1).

    Area 2: The Cold Commune


    Here you must help these strange people:


    In order to cross the bridges:


    Area 4: Tech Mountain



    On Tech Mountain, the goal is to assemble a new teleporter that will hopefully get you back home:



    Name: Dr. Tim's New Universe

    Gamertag: A Squid Loaf

    Players: 1-4 (It's possible to play with more but not
    recommended as it becomes hard to keep track
    of what's been done)

    Gametype: Slayer with unlimited time, and fast respawns. (You can use my gametype Puzzle Mode if you don't feel like making your own.)

    Important Notes:

    1) Once again, this map has been thoroughly tested and is 100% functional. If you get stuck it's because I'm a jerk and made the map too hard, not because the map is broken.

    2) Like in Part 1, you can complete this puzzle map solo, so jumping on other players heads and other kinds of cooperation are unnecessary. (But remains fun to try).

    3) Crouch to interact with objects on the floor.

    4) Most of the red X's this time around disappear after interacting with them, however there are a couple that remain after interacting as a fail-safe.

    Let me explain: The way scripting works in forge, an object cannot spawn if a player is standing on/very close to where the object is trying to spawn. This means if you interact with an X that sends a message to an object which tells it to spawn, and one of your friends is standing on that spot, the object wont spawn.

    So if you activate an X and nothing happens, since I've made it so these X's don't despawn, all you have to do is tell your friends to move and activate the X again.

    5) In case it's not clear from the giant sign that says "bonus," there is more to do after you finish the story section of this map. Basically what I'm saying is that there are secrets, so if you spend the time figuring them out, you will (hopefully) be rewarded.

    6) If you need help or a hint, look at the Guide posted below. There's a "Hint" spoiler tag and a "Cheat" spoiler tag for each section so you can just look at the part you need help with.

    Click here to download

    Anyway, thanks everyone for the praise and support for my first Dr. Tim map, and a special thanks to all the people who helped test this one.
    Corkidile and Buddy Jumps like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. M4t7theNinja M4t7theNinja
    Another great map very much enjoyable for me and 4 friends. Thanks for the update
  2. BlueAce BlueAce
    My friends and I had a great time figuring out the whole map. Not to difficult, but not to easy as well. I can't for the next one!
  3. Eric Bloink Eric Bloink
    This map is awesome, so are your other two maps, easily most fun I've had in a custom forge game. Keep making these maps please.
  4. This puzzle map had some really interesting puzzles. This map is a great continuation from the previous Dr tim map. I highly reccomend playing these maps.


  1. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dr. Tim's New Universe Guide

    Step 1: The Weirdlands (Area 1)

    Cabinet A:

    Use a barrel near some rocks.
    Pick up the fuel barrel by jumping onto the giant red key and then onto the rock standing by itself near the edge. Then go to the X by the rocks to the right of spawn, past the flower. Place and shoot the barrel which opens up a cave where A is located.

    Cabinet B:

    Climb the spiral.
    Go about 1/3 of the way up the spiral then walk on top of the sides. Use a running jump and a thruster boost to make it easier. B is located at the top.

    Cabinet C:

    Look for an item near the green cargo containers.
    Go to the corner of Area 1 by the green cargo containers, you will see some crates lying around. Jump over the crate on the side of the open container that has the armory sign in it. You should be in the timed-kill barrier at the edge. Walk along the outside of the cargo until you can't go any further, than jump up into a hidden open container to your right. There is a pumping device in there you can pick up (interact with X). Place the pump on the X near the tub of fuel around the middle of the area, then go through the teleporter it spawns.

    Step 2: The Cold Commune (Area 2)

    Bridge 1:

    Stand on the red circle near the edge of the map, to the right of where you first arrive. Look around for an in-game message that gives a hint.

    Look just below the radar on B.
    Pick up the green soda can near the vending machine, and then interact with the guy standing by B.

    Bridge 2:

    Stand on the red circle near the edge of the map, to the left of where you first arrive. Look around for an in-game message that gives a hint.
    Ground pound on the letter D in front of the guy holding the bag. Then pick it up and give it to the guy that wants it.

    Bridge 3:

    Play hide and seek with the guy standing on C (In the middle of the area).
    After you interact with the guy the first time, he moves to a crevice in the rocks below the Area 2 sign. Interact with him and he moves again, this time to under the bridge. Interact with him under the bridge to lower the 3rd bridge.

    Step 3: Tech Mountain (Area 4)

    Note: Look at the teleporter that takes you back to Area 1 (FYI Just a shortcut in case you die) for reference to which letter corresponds to which piece of the teleporter you are building.

    Piece A:

    Search near the track you came in on.
    Underneath the track is a switch that opens up the gate near the blue sparking thing in the wall. A is in that little room, it can be seen but not gotten until you open up the gate.

    Piece B:

    Look around above you for a red barrel.
    Stand just out side of the windowed area where you are building the teleporter, and look up and slightly to the right for a red barrel. Shoot the barrel and B will fall down where you can pick it up by interacting with the X on a nearby boulder.

    Piece C:

    Find a new hat for the guy wearing piece C on his head.
    Look for an opening in the rock walls to the left of where you came in from. Walk up to the edge of the opening and you should see a ledge that leads to a tire and cone item you can pick up. After you get it, interacting with the guy wearing piece C. To interact with him, stand in front of him and look up a little bit.

    Bonus Hint (Hint only, no Cheat)

    Find the 4 whales scattered around Area 6 (excluding the red whale on top), they tell you which color key is in which Area.

    Secret Room Hint:

    Nice try! It wouldn't be a secret room if I gave you a hint :)
    Fine, I'll give you a hint, you can get the pig in Area 1 somehow.

    Note: Within each "Hint" spoiler is a "Cheat" spoiler that tells you exactly how to do that section.
  2. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lost Pinecone updated Dr. Tim's New Universe with a new update entry:

    Now with a guide

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    My bud and I played this and we could not for the life of us figure out the last part. We got to the Elder Spider and got all the keys and left it at that. T-T

    Great map though. Good job!
  4. Pack it uppp

    Pack it uppp Legendary

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    My friends and I love your puzzle maps. No others compare. Is the secret room where the bonus teleporter takes you?
  5. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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