4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Robster95
    Hi all, welcome to, Downpour
    This is my first Halo 5 map, it didnt actually start off as a proper map, i made it just to mess around and see what i could do with it and one thing lead to another and now its a proper map. Things i must mention from the videos, they are beta tests. The map has changed quite a bit since the map was tested, mainly due to the sniper dominating the map, the sniper has now moved to a crate hanging off of the crane and reduced to no spare mags. Shotgun has moved down to where the plasma repeater was and the repeater has been moved to where the sniper was.
    Overall the reviews of the map came back very positive and everyone enjoyed it. It is still yet to be tested in its current state!
    Current game modes: Slayer, CTF and Strongholds, however i need to fix CTF and Strongholds and to test it!




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