1. Stay On The Mat

    Two switches next to the throne either start up a border of damaging fire or a border of harmless spikes for Aesthetics. Both meant to remind and encourage Duelers to stay on the mat. So everyone can watch them fight. So you can raise one or the other or both depending on what you want.

    The switch next to the throne no longer brings up the glass wall which traps people in.

    Which was originally meant for Dojo duels not Dojo brawl game time. Since they're both technically Slayer there's no way to make the switch on the throne disappear for just one of them. So I had to create some kind of barrier that would make it hard to get off the mat or at least remind people not to get off the mat in dojo duels but would not keep people trapped in Dojo brawls if someone goes up there and flip the switch.
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