1. Complete redesign

    I have redesigned the Plaza in order to achieve a more balanced gameplay and add routes on the map where vehicles won't get involved. The hall that leads to blue base as been extended to the far right side of the map and there is an all new playing space on the right side of the tall skyscraper. Additional there is a hallway that starts at the right side of the skyscraper that leads a back route to red base however, the door behind red base is not active.

    New weapons have been added to the...
  2. Major Tweaking

    I created expanded the hall on blue base and replaced garage door with a brand new tower. Added new weapons and changed unsc vehicles to urban variant.

    The backway access is on its way and I will be finishing the new structure and center tower.

    Hope you all enjoy the new update!!
  3. Updated locations

    1. The restaurant interior

    2. Underpass

    3. Police station interior

    4. Lookout and restaurant exterior

  4. Revised Police station

    I revised several locations on the map, and I will be posting images shortly.
    - revised Police station interior
    - change the coloring of red sneaky and the left side of the map
    - finished intro and outro cinematics
    -named the strongholds
    - adjusted lights and lighting visuals
  5. Locations

    I implemented locations around the entire map. Now players will know where the enemy players are. Hope you enjoy!
  6. The restaurant

    I revisited the restaurant, making it give off a more realistic appeal. I added signs on the ceiling and cash registers. I added grills and other instruments to make it look like possible shake makers and such.

    I also fixed several broken lighting near the roads they were sort of distracting.
  7. Aethetics

    I added two new glass billboards to the courtyard near the restaurant and revamped several of the doors throughout the city in order to have them mesh better with the environment.

    I got rid of one the battle rifles and replaced it with a suppressor instead so there could be more shorter range combat.

    I add the Halo 2 battle rifle, one at the dock and another at the police station.
    Relocated the third stronghold to the restaurant.
    Added several invisible barriers so players can't clamber onto the roofs of the buildings.