Diamond Forge

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. The3angryInch
    A lost training facility, In deep space, It appears it was built and abandoned - It has been found by UNSC and is now being used as a training ground for UNSC operations . It has a symmetrical battlefield- It has alot of crouch jumping to get to the 2nd tier any ledge, and it also had areas to make the map completly accessible to all players - (If they dont know how to crouch jump.)

    Add my XBL gamertag TH3eAngry INCH

    or Th3eAngryInch forget if there is a space

    on 12/30 2015 I added pieces for CTF and Strongholds


  1. The3angryInch

    The3angryInch Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Its alot of fun to play. maybe a 2 vs 2 map?

    FEEDBACK is appreciated
  2. blast

    blast Guest

    alice in wonderland map
    The3angryInch likes this.

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