
8v8 Custom

Map Description

  1. Anemeros
    This desert stronghold is rumored to guard the last remnant of old world technology; But keeping it safe won't be easy, as there are ruthless zealots bent on turning this place into a literal wasteland.

    Deterrent is an assault variant built for 16 players. Red team spawns inside of the Stronghold and their goal is simply to prevent Blue team from completing their objectives.

    Red Team: There are various turrets atop the ramparts, which will be Red's best option for keeping Blue at bay. There is an armory with powerful weapons, but they all have limited ammunition and must be used sparingly. If Blue does infiltrate the base, then Red must defend the interior of the compound at all costs.

    Blue Team: The spawns are on the outskirts of the map, with several vehicles to choose from, some of which are more useful than others. There are also a handful of strong (with limited ammo) weapons scattered around the exterior. There are two ways in at first, both of which are high risk/high reward entry points, one being the water tower and the other being a rather large rock near the walls. There are two additional ways in that must first be opened from within: The shield generator which can be destroyed, and the emergency hatches which are protected by a laser grid which can be turned off. Blue must complete the objectives marked on their hud in order to win, the last of which requires two players to coordinate.

    The map is not 100% complete, but everything is in place for testing. The mode required is called SIEGE and will also be on my file share. As always, I look forward to testing this and hearing your feedback!
    Toastman likes this.


  1. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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    Starship Trooper influenced?
    Anemeros likes this.
  2. Anemeros

    Anemeros Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Heh, no; but now that you mention it I can definitely see that. It's a remake of a map I made in far cry many years ago.

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