
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Agatio
    A small team slayer map in a military supply logistics center. My goal was to create a level with a traditional styled symmetrical layout with bases on opposite sides of the levels, towers on the sides and a center tower. I took references to the layout from the most succesfull MLG maps from the previous Halo games, but designed the buildings and the lines of sights a bit differently to make it feel fresh and also to support the new game mechanics in Halo 5.

    Of course I wanted to create something unique so I spent a lot of time creating a working conveyor belt system to the level that goes in a spiral formation from the opposite corners to the center bottom of the level. There are crates going on the belt that can be used as a cover, but they can also be climbed on to reach the bridges above them. The conveyor belt can also be used as a speed boost if you run on it to the direction its rolling towards.
    SgtSlaphead and WAR like this.


  1. SgtSlaphead

    SgtSlaphead Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The moving crates are so awesome! I love how you can use the lower levels to get around quickly like that. This map looks like good times.

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