
Map Description

  1. Jack Bell
    GT = i LoTuS i

    Delinquent started with the simple concept. A bi-level, high perimeter ring, and four outstretched bridges toward top center, a-la-derelict, but it quickly evolved into something much more special.

    With a fairly simple symmetrical base layout I implemented complex movement to give the player a feeling of constant danger while giving creative gameplay options in every corner.

    Drop-downs and Jump-ups all around you!
    The bottom section has many "pro jumps" to solve for the issues a typical two-tier map has with spawn killing. Teleports on each side will transport you across the map and up/down a level to discourage radar/teleporter camping, lifts in each base get you up top quickly to fight for the Overshield top mid. So many different movement and jumping options give the map "legs" for the future.

    Delinquent has become a favorite of playtesters for 2v2,4v4, and FFA slayer. It works with Strongholds and CTF as well.

    I truly think you will enjoy this map for all Arena game types and I hope to get the attention of 343 to try and test for matchmaking. Please let me know what you think!

    1x Rockets - Bottom Center
    1x Sniper - Top "4" wall ledge
    1x Camo - Top "8" wall ledge
    2x DMR - front of each base
    2x Battle Rifle - Front of each bottom teleporter

    Updated 02/25/16 with new geo/detail/lighting changes

    Added ascendance skybox


    Please send a F/R for competitive testing. I LoTuS I
    Deevius Bone likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Krazykrakr Krazykrakr
    Great balance when playing 2v2 or 4v4 on this map. I also really enjoy it for FFA. Love that you made it feel like an h1 map but it still plays very well for h5!
  2. Too Perfect Too Perfect
    Very interesting sight-lines and absolutely amazing map movement. Top of the map is very powerful but reminds me of Derelict in a lot of ways with extra nuances mixed in.

    Great balance in terms of the weapons/power ups placed and a ton of trick jumps and unique movement to get around.


  1. Too Perfect

    Too Perfect Legendary

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    This map definitely has a lot going for it. It has a Derelict sort of feel to it for me but it's quite obviously not just a remake.

    Loving all the tricky jumps to promote map movement and not just working on the perimeters of the map and the map feels really balanced in terms of the weapon placements.

    Good amount of cover and evade-angles placed throughout so there are very few areas where you feel screwed if you're caught unexpectedly (but not so many that it's just a chase-fest).

    Very good proportions on the map and good sight-lines throughout. Very well done!
    Jack Bell likes this.
  2. Jack Bell

    Jack Bell Legendary

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    any feedback would be fantastic! Thank you in advance
    #3 Jack Bell, Feb 29, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  3. Jack Bell

    Jack Bell Legendary

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    Jack Bell updated DELINQUENT with a new update entry:

    more finesse and new lighting

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I enjoyed this on our test here is a bit of the feed back for the lobby:

    pathing from bot to top needs more hard routes,
    maybe a bit over saturated on weapons

    On a personal note i think adding more routes up to the top is a good way to go and removing some of the cover or making it less bulky would be the way to go because the bottom felt a little cluttered. still enjoyed the map

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