Death Run: Suvivor


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  1. flashplayer911

    credit for the vid: KSxSD KuRupTiioNzZ

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    Can you kill Death before Death kills you?
    Hello everyone and welcome to a minigame map I created called Death Run: Survivor. I was pretty disappointed when I could not find any awesome death run maps anywhere, so I made one myself!
    This minigame was inspired by the ever so popular Death Run minigame for Garry's Mod from the PC. If you don't know what Garry's Mod is or never played it, allow me to explain.

    Death Run: Is a minigame with two teams: Runners and Deaths. The objective of the Runners is to make it at the end of the map, avoiding any automatic and Death-activated traps along the way. If you die as a Runner you become a spectator.


    must juke and avoid all obstacles by Death in order
    to make it to the end of the map before the time runs out. If a Runner/Runners make it to the end, you will have the ability to kill Death, thus ending the round and getting points for whoever kills Death.

    must follow along and try to kill all of the Runners by activating death switches, or by letting the clock run out (which is no fun). Death must be careful when activating switches, because out of the 14 traps, they can only be activated once! No points are awarded to Death for killing anyone.

    This map does have a lot of scripting, fx, and objects behind it, so more than likely there will be some bugs at times because 343. If there is any other glitches that you seem to spot that reoccur, contact me or post in the comments below. For the most part, I think it plays pretty well for how it is set up. I didn't want to put too many pictures up so that some of the traps can be a surprise!

    Special thanks to AllAmericanNick, Vegas Sun Devil, and all who participated in testing the map.
    Thank you, and have fun dying.
    ZombieDyer likes this.


  1. CryingNeutrons

    CryingNeutrons Legendary

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    I like deathrun a lot. Will give this a try!
  2. flashplayer911

    flashplayer911 Legendary

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    flashplayer911 updated Death Run: Suvivor with a new update entry:

    Few Changes

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  3. flashplayer911

    flashplayer911 Legendary

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    flashplayer911 updated Death Run: Suvivor with a new update entry:

    Some more changes

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    #4 flashplayer911, Aug 12, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
  4. flashplayer911

    flashplayer911 Legendary

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    flashplayer911 updated Death Run: Suvivor with a new update entry:

    Death Run: Survivor - Anvil's Legacy Update

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  5. flashplayer911

    flashplayer911 Legendary

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    flashplayer911 updated Death Run: Suvivor with a new update entry:

    lily pad update

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