
4v4 Ricochet

Map Description

  1. Coloxan
    Evoball is back once again. After months of waiting, the option to forge Ricochet was in my hands once more and so I had to do what was necessary.

    I'm going to find it difficult to post my two other arena maps. Yes, this isn't the only one. If you watched the trailer or looked into this maps screenshots there is two other maps. I made this maps weeks before the update and so once i completed it i got bored and made another and so on until there were 3.

    I want people to not take this as a map submission but as a game mode submission that works on 3 entire maps which i've called the 'Seasons Map Pack'.

    Evoball has always been fun to play, it's the most casual competitive game mode a fellow spartan can play! For the 3 years of Evoball being around in H4, H2A and now H5 it has always been percieved well in players eyes 99.99% of the time and that 0.01% wasn't negative but instead constructive criticism in H4


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