
2v2 Assault

Map Description

  1. ImDahUnicorn
    This map is made from my map "Wild West" as a lot of ppl wanted to play it as a normal objective map. So, I made this map. This map however, has a saloon and a jail added on it, as it adds to better gameplay.

    The map features:
    1 Sniper (1 clip 2 min respawn)
    1 Shotgun (10 sec respawn after emptied clip)
    1 hydra
    1 dmr
    2 smg's
    2 h2 br's
    4 frag grenades
    2 plasma grenades
    2 splinter grenades

    As I've already written down all the callouts on the map when I posted my infection version, I wont do it again, but if you've read the callouts of Wild West, the main differance is that all the infectionspawns are gone. The saloon is where the infected spawn B was and the jail where C was.

    The red base is the barn and the blue base is the bank.
    PineappleRocket and Goat like this.


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