
8v8 Capture the Flag

Map Description

    An inverse symmetrical BTB map inspired by Standoff from Halo 3.

    Nokyard, Community Forger

    The long flight from Toronto to Seattle gave me time for two things: the chance to catch up on Hunt the Truth for the first time, and also to think about which map I would construct while visiting 343 Industries. It boiled down to either Sidewinder, Standoff, or Waterworks. Standoff took precedence since I had already remade Sidewinder in Halo 4, and Waterworks in Halo 2: Anniversary. Standoff is considered a difficult map to recreate due to limited terrain pieces and serious performance issues which are hampered by the complexity of the bases. Underclass ICON managed a decent remake in Halo Reach, and Pa1nts gave it his best shot in H2A, but my intention was to further blur the line between a dev map and a Forge map, and push the limits of if this new Forge with an extremely ambitious build.

    I was more than delighted when Standoff was revealed as one of our options, so I grabbed it up and requested another Xbox One with Halo 3 on a second monitor so the original Standoff map was in view at all times. My objective was to remain as faithful to the original as possible, while transposing the angled surfaces with these wonderful new chunky round blocks. The bases were intended to feature a more organic flow which is apparent the first time you experience the right side entrance which features smooth flowing lines and (hopefully) an electrified ambiance. Where this map really shines is the way it showcases the new terrain pieces and how they seamlessly meld with adjoining pieces. In fact, the entire map is floating high above the natural surface of Alpine in order to recreate the cliff on the open end of the map. I am just as excited as any other BTB fan to see how the map looks and plays since the 343i's Forge and multiplayer teams took over construction.

    Jeremy Raymond, 343 Multiplayer Designer

    Standoff is a favorite of mine, so I was happy to hear Nokyard was going to tackle building it. He spent a lot of time and care with the base build outs during his visit. He did such a fantastic job that I hardly had to touch the bases while finalizing the level. I spent most of the time building out the rest of the level, and the new terrain objects in Forge made that easy. For the most part, I stuck to the classic layout, but removed the highest areas above the bases to simplify a bit. I meticulously tweaked the terrain with a fine tooth comb to make driving smooth and enjoyable to play on. The rest of the development time was spent adding details and beautifying the level before adding one last finishing touch – the inclusion of some center satellite platforms as an homage to the classic theme. Lastly, I've been keeping the name Deadlock in my back pocket to use as a map name for some time now. Given that we’ve got a map inspired by Standoff coming to Halo 5, I figured it was the right time to pull the trigger.


  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My second favourite map. Beautiful bases, and for the most part the terrain blends well together. Unfortunately there are spaces, much like with Basin, where the natural terrain is used in a way where the elevation change is too steep, lending towards awkward engagements and driving. Additionally, the outskirts of the maps feel a little over scaled and baren compared to the rest of the map.
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  2. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    First off, I don't like the name of it to be honest. It doesn't really fit at all. Recurve = Longbow, makes sense. Headlong = Guillotine, okay they both are heads/chopped. Basin = Valhalla/Gulch, sure, why not, the map has basins at the ends. But Deadlock? Doesn't fit.

    Anyway. Plays pretty much the same as Standoff, except a lot smoother. This is a positive and a negative. Standoff is a great BTB map, but at the same time, because of the up-scaling for sprint, it means it is even more open, which means it suffers from the same issues Standoff did (which anyone who played the MCC got to experience again and again and again). It is super open, especially with some of those spawns. It is definitely the best out of all the maps for vehicles though, which I enjoy.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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  4. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Nokyard, teach me cinnamons.
    MartianMallCop and Psychoduck like this.
  5. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    I hate those rocket mongeese. They are single driver warthog killing machines. i think the three weapon pads are enough to counter the warthogs. Spawns on this map are the worst of all the maps IMHO. I've had my starting spawn be on the enemy teams side, it was near camo, so at least I burned thier camo before I died. In general the openness of the map isn't great with hitscan BRs. That all being said, this is a faithful successor to a map I enjoyed and it feels the least like a forge map to me other than the glowing floor in the back hall. I'd like to see how this and all maps play with magnum starts and the precision pick ups treated more like power weapons if placed at all.
    NOKYARD likes this.
  6. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Is it just me? After watching a couple gameplay videos jumping between Standoff and Deadlock, are the hills more aggressive than the original or is the map tighter or something? It looks like the Warthogs don't get around quite as easily in Deadlock.
    NOKYARD likes this.
  7. End My Misery

    End My Misery Legendary

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    I like this one, but it could use some work.
    • Dat random initial spawn on the side of Blue Base.
    • Love the base design. Tunnel up front. Dual entrances on the right sides. Small vehicle entrance in the back. No complaints here.
    • A lot of the middle tends to be way too open. I never really played Standoff so I'm assuming this is intentional in some way. A few more trees and rocks would be nice.
    • Not a fan of the three power weapons lined in the middle of the map exposed. I feel like there should be some kind of base or something to require a little more effort to obtain them. That is, the teams should have to worry more about CQC fighting and grenades rather than just avoiding sniper fire. That would require a bit more teamwork no?
    • Love the rest of the weapon selection however. Weapons seem to be placed exactly where you'd expect to find and use them.
    #8 End My Misery, Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
    NOKYARD likes this.
  8. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    back path seems really disconnected like north korea to the rest of the world disconnected.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 22, 2015 ---
    MartianMallCop and NOKYARD like this.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree. You should be able to drive both ways behind the back tunnel as you could on the original, as well as have an infantry-only area just above it where the satellites used to be.
  10. Foxy

    Foxy Promethean

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    The extensive bases have always been an integral part of the original map and have seen little changed in their overall layout. The hallways, however, have now been widened substantially. They are now so wide, in fact, that a warthog can now be driven through the bases with minimal effort. The once easily defendable stations now have more potential dangers to look out for. The larger bases combined with a smaller mid field have shortened the distance between the flag spawns. Attempting to capture the enemy flag on foot was once suicidal. Now, with appropriately placed teammates, running on foot can potentially be the source of a quick flag capture.

    The map has been simplified to a point where only the most important aspects that affect game play remain. This has made the map much more competitive and all the more rewarding. Standoff has never seen a recreation in any other Halo title, and Nokyard does justice to the original with his map.
    NOKYARD likes this.
  11. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    Spawning is atrocious, can be said of most of the BTB maps at the mo, no static spawns is a killer.
    I like the Satellite spot, it was made for me. Carbine and an OP Camping spot.... Like, Bloody Hell My Favourite Weapon and good fire position in one spot MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHSADSAGDOY FOYAIGFOAGYFGYGYFGEfefewg (Foams at mouth)

    Yeah those satellites are OP. mostly because of the spawning again. players spawn in the wide open and are picked of by a teams designated Jackal Marksman as they try to approach their base for cover. If the Sats were Strictly for mid Defense then this would be better, and be a strong defensive tool in CTF and Strongholds. however As i am usually the player who IS in this position in BTB, I rack up fairly easy kills here, it's pretty dirty.

    I feel being so true to the Standoff design of Two Bases and the Standoff between them also cause the issue. A smaller "fire base" that acts as a counter to the satellites that is connected by the almost disconnected Tron tunnels (by which I mean the exit of the tron tunnels has the firebase insight) this connects these tron tunnels more and would actually add incentive to leave the base via this area, cause right now it is a the exit for certain carbine death i feel.

    DMRS on top of the base is awful. there is no incentive to move, like the carbine satellites. I don't know who put them up there but bloody hell was it overkill.

    The Silo lid Power Weapon spawns are deathtraps to, yet again, the Carbine satellite. I get some easy kills at the start when the Hog/goose/ghost rushes it for the weapon on our side. arguably, this is OK as it acts as a counter to weapon stealing.

    And a problem across the board with BTB, there is Waaaaaay to many ways to slay vehicles as infantry. Neutral should be a Rocket launcher, The laser is god awful for any vehicle gameplay outside of Banshee gameplay, due to it being fairly easy to dodge the beam within a banshee. the Silo power weapons could be Plasma Casters, maybe Hydras. Rear base Hydras should be removed, again, the incentive to move.

    Quick fixes to make the map play better on 343's part would be shifting the Weapons i mentioned spots to create movement incentive, better spawning, STATIC TEAM SPAWNING (PLEASE OMFG PLEASE).

    overall, I enjoy the map, but the spawning can be a mood killer very quickly.
  12. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
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    I initially was skeptical about this map due to the differences in how H3 and H5 BRs are, but good scenery and....wait for it....the new wasp vehicles switch things up and throw a new twist on a classic map. This map feels both familiar, paying homage to some of those Halo 3 days of old, while simultaneously incorporating the fresh Halo 5 sandbox array of weapons and vehicles (did I mention wasps?)

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Deadlock has been updated for the Custom Game Browser community. This version features game-specific power weapon and vehicle layouts.

    For instance in Slayer the Mongoose is replaced by the Gungoose, Grenade Launcher replaces the Hydra. For Strongholds the Wasp is removed and Rockets are replaced by Grenade Launcher, etc.

    (for some reason i can't add the link to the OP, or submit an update)
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.

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