8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. LookMumNoScope
    >>KEEP IT CLEAN<<​

    The map now includes moving trains! All credit goes to Foxy Papa Smurf for figuring out how to make them work properly. I looked at his solutions for splattering players and having it move smoothly across the track.
    See 'Updates' for a full list of changes!

    I spent a good amount of time trying to script the trains to follow the curve of the track, with no luck. In the end I decided to take the curve out and straighten the tracks. Unfortunately, due to a bug the sounds, particle FX and headlights don't move along with the train in custom games yet.

    My goal right now is to wait for a one sided objective gametype, like One Flag or Assault, and cater the map completely towards those modes.

    Original post:

    Deadline is a remake of Terminal from Halo 2.

    Most of the map has stayed very similar to the original. The Station Courtyard has received the most notable changes. Because I only had a few objects left to work with I had to simplify the area a bit. Not having any moving trains allowed me to save objects by leaving the track unfinished, and turning this part of the map into a muddy construction site. There is a large, curved sand bank to drive vehicles around the edge, and several large pipes to drive through and use for cover.

    The weapons are similar to the original version as well, but updated with the Halo 5 sandbox. A Railgun has Replaced the Energy Sword on the tracks, because the sword isn't as sought after as it was in Halo 2. The vehicles are currently the same, with a Gauss hog for the attackers, a Wraith for the defenders, and a ghost on either side.

    Finishing this map within the object limit proved to be an enormous challenge. I originally planned to include moving trains using scripting, but unfortunately I did not manage to get them in.

    The map is currently in Beta. Spawns are set up with One Flag in mind, although honor rules will have to do until an official gametype releases. FFA is not supported in this version. I had to use the neutral spawn points I had to set up an extra set of initial spawns for Strongholds.
    I will keep working on this map to improve it, so please post any problems you run into or feedback you have here.

    Download information:
    Gamertag: LookMumNoScope
    Map name: Deadline

Recent Reviews

  1. Fun , forged perfect, and that TRAIN just awesome
    Just amazing
  3. dredapista dredapista
    Looks good, plays good
  4. A lot of fun memories from halo 2 , just funtabulous !!!


  1. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ****in' awesome.
  2. The Grim Dealer

    The Grim Dealer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a great looking remake. I wish you could script the trains though.
    h0twing3 likes this.
  3. LookMumNoScope

    LookMumNoScope Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've been testing trains a bit more lately, and they even appear to work somewhat decently in this clip:
    I wanted to have the trains be engulfed in flames, with passengers screaming inside as the train passed by, which is something an early design of Terminal had according to the wiki. (The 'screams' can be heard in the above clip if you listen carefully). The fire particles don't update fast enough to be seen when moving at high speeds though.

    There are still a large numbers of problems I ran into:
    - This is a minor issue, but every 100 units the train stops for a tenth of a second, making it stutter its way across the track.
    - It's a nightmare to get the train to follow the curve in the track at this speed, and getting the timing for the rotations right.
    - This is really hard because as soon as the train starts moving it's impossible to select it again to make changes to the script. Even when I did manage highlight it for a moment as it buzzed by, the object properties will go blank when the train resets / leaves the boundaries of the map. So every time I had to adjust something, I had to exit forge, load the map again, apply all the scripts again with slightly different values, try it out, and repeat the process.
    - When loading the map in a custom game, the train behaved differently than it did in Forge. The headlights and flames did move along with the train, but stayed in their original position.
    - The biggest problem is that attaching a kill volume doesn't work. You can't script a kill volume to move, and when I attached it to the train after setting up the script on the train itself, the train stopped moving as well.
    Without a kill volume, the force of the train itself does very little damage. It will often just drag a spartan in front of it across the track, and send vehicles flying out of the map. If it moves at highers speeds it can even pass right through you.
    I suppose attaching a teleporter with an exit node somewhere out of the map is an option, but just blinking out of the map takes all the fun out of it in my opinion.

    I'm sure there are many people better at scripting than me, and maybe someone will figure out a reliable way of doing it, but my main problem is still the object limit. I was only able to finish the map and get weapons and spawns in by leaving the tracks under construction, and I'll probably need to add some more spawns for slayer and strongholds too.
    #4 LookMumNoScope, Jan 16, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    Xandrith and WAR like this.
  4. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I believe you can script these moving trains to kill opponents on the field. Try the method in this video below, hopefully it will help with this.

    I think you did a fantastic job on this remake so far, there are some spaces that are outside of intuitive flow but hopefully I can provide feedback based on gameplay soon. We'll be testing out the map tonight.
    LookMumNoScope likes this.
  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If it doesn't have the one campable room you can only spawn in, this map is garbage. I loved spawning in there in SWAT or Snipers, lol.
  6. jannlee48504

    jannlee48504 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Foxy papa smurf created this map with a working train take a look at station 7
    h0twing3 likes this.
  7. h0twing3

    h0twing3 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have no idea how 343 featured this map with no working train. yet a bit different No hard feelings Creator of Deadline. However I do like this map alone only for the tracks being under construction. In my option Station 7 has it for my vote. 343 needs to leave it to the community
    jannlee48504 likes this.
  8. jannlee48504

    jannlee48504 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Station 7 is awesome
  9. LookMumNoScope

    LookMumNoScope Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    LookMumNoScope updated DEADLINE with a new update entry:

    Deadline v2

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Looks like the people of New Mombassa finally paid their taxes, great to see the trains up and running again. I would recommend placing all tier 3 weapons on weapon pads like the sniper rifle. Not sure if you've gotten around to that yet. Do you think a reinterpretation of Terminals could arrive sometime in the future that could support other game modes like 'Strongholds' or 'Slayer'?
  11. LookMumNoScope

    LookMumNoScope Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't think I'm going to do any major overhauls to the map any time soon, besides maybe some small changes here and there, like the weapon pads.
    I think I'll put it in cryo until assault releases next month (and hopefully a One Bomb variant).
    I did make some sketches for a more symmetrical Terminal-inspired map during development, which would be better for more gametypes like Team Slayer, Strongholds, and normal CTF, so there's a possibility I'll get started on that.

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