Dead Space


Map Description

  1. Luigi Punch
    I've updated my deadspace map with a significant visual overhaul, I've added in req weapons, created better vent transportation, made some additions that allow for it to work on other gamemodes, and have heavily changed the gamemode to be a squad based survival map that plays like deadspace and has zombie swordplay that asks for smarter play and not mindless slashing. I would greatly appreciate feedback on how to improve if you have any.
    And here's a place to bookmark it:
    Map: Punch_772d8bad-7800-4525-afcc-e798b6049530
    gametype: Punch

    Rest in piece to the 500 bookmarks, I edited on a backup save and not the main file :.(
    ACTIVATE HALO, fame28 and CL0WN FAC3 like this.


  1. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why not put a tele at the entrance to the vent that only teleports the humans to a kill zone, instant punishment. Or use the team blockers?
  2. Luigi Punch

    Luigi Punch Legendary

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    multiple reasons. No budget was left, some vents don't have blockers for this reason, and for some rooms I thought being able to go back into a vent is cheap, people would use it as a shield, and would hide behind it. Either your out fighting or in waiting. Besides, some vents don't allow for travel back into the vent system, they're too low, it'd just lead to players walking in confused as they can't go anywhere. I may do another dead space map, inwhich case I will probably use those and keep the budget lower. Also, I would rather not delete parts of the map just to make it work better for a gametype I didn't design it for. Next time though, I will strive for both from the start.
  3. Luigi Punch

    Luigi Punch Legendary

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    Luigi Punch updated Dead Space with a new update entry:

    Completely upgraded in every way!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Luigi Punch

    Luigi Punch Legendary

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    Luigi Punch updated Dead Space with a new update entry:

    Room Polish and budget decreases

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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