Darkness of the Light


Map Description

    Welcome to my new map "Darkness Of The Light." Before I get into the details of this map, this map is just like my last map but the raid for the map has been tinkered so noobs can beat this raid with a few tries. I had a lot of feedback from my playtest's and from people who played the map saying that the raid was way to diffucult because they didn't understand raids at all. I was going to make this map much more diffucult but now it's a noob friendly map. Enjoy.

    Darkness Of The Light is based of off raiding from Wow and destiny. This mini game has 2 specific modes to it.

    When you spawn in first thing you can do is run straight into the raid by jumping down the hole. The raid features bosses, custom made raid weapons and a couple of secrets I won't spoil.

    But maybe you feel that you should have better weapons before jumping into the raid. Well if you turn around there is a pretty big open world for you to explore. The world is based off of the Moon and horror. You'll find parkour levels, race against the time and some other fun things to do.

    By doing ANY of the activities you will be rewarded with weapons. Now they aren't raid weapons but they'll do you some good.

    Because of this set back I have one more map I'm working on right now that is WAY bigger and better than Warden's Den. It will be a while before it comes out but if you are new to this concept of "raiding" then just grab some friends and go wild see if you can beat my time (36:00). If you do happen to beat this raid and found it too easy go play Wardens Den. That's all from me guys I hope you enjoy my map and tell me if you beat it or not!

Recent Reviews

  1. It wasn't a bad map but Much like raids they should stay in there original games they were made for this didn't really work and could have been better/ Thanks for the upload anyhow


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