Darkest Depths

1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. FRED lllll
    Deranged, Delirious, you have been wandering here for eons, and yet no time has passed. Everything looks the same in these putrid halls. Hunger, as you may no food, is to be had. Out of bloodlust, you must charge to kill him, or he may kill you. When will it all end?


    Darkest Depths is another (I know there are a lot) 1v1 on forgehub for the 1v1 contest. In this map, players must balance jumping on and off a large central chandelier, a teleporter, and the narrow corridors of this dark dungeon. All you want to do is eat, and your first other sign of life has shown up... Show them no mercy and save yourself!

    I know this is a dark theme but the map focuses on the extremely long range and extremely close range engagements! I hope you enjoy the madness!

    xzamplez, Dunco and The Omicron like this.


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