Dark Woods


Map Description

  1. ghostmasterpope
    The facility, known as Delta V, was a state-of-the-art research laboratory that specialized in artificial atmospheric generation. Unfortunately the experiments went on without the suitable checks and balances, and an accident caused the poisoning of the atmosphere, killing all human inhabitants. The incident, known as The Delta Disaster, occurred 8 years ago.

    A UNSC special-ops team was recently sent to retrieve any documents left in the facility in an effort to advance atmospheric research. No contact has been made from the team since 4 days ago.

    Investigate the failure of UNSC special-ops to respond on the monitored channels.



    This is my new map "Dark Woods".

    It is by far the most complex map I've ever map. There are so many places to explore within this map, and i've spent many painstaking hours getting the most out of the budget. Large forested areas with tons of interesting things to look at - large industrial buildings, overgrown neglected labratories, crashed vehicles, debris, landmarks - that will allow for many different strategies and styles of play.


    It is not possible to put enough screenshots in here to do it justice - you'll have to have a look for yourself! I've spent a of time adding sounds to the map to make it feel like a real-world place and add the sense of horror that should come with playing Infection.
    D4rkDeath and Dunco like this.


  1. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I always look forward to your content! This is just in time for my customs night tonight!
    Dunco and ghostmasterpope like this.
  2. ghostmasterpope

    ghostmasterpope Legendary

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    I hope you get some enjoyment out of it! :)
  3. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    *It is not possible to put enough screenshots in here to do it justice - you'll have to have a look for yourself!*

    Maybe post some unedited screenshots, the blur really shits on the screenshots and adds nothing positive to the post. Also video > screenshots if you can't get everything clear through screenshots.
    ghostmasterpope likes this.
  4. ghostmasterpope

    ghostmasterpope Legendary

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    WaiHo likes this.
  5. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Tried this in my customs night... Sad to say the frame rate chugging was so bad that we had to just end it. I will be watching for the fix.

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