damage checker

Map Description

  1. kiwibardlol
    It is a device to check damage.

    ・can check the shield and health of vehicles and Spartans.
    ・can check single damage.
    ・can check damage per second.
    ・The shooting rate per second is displayed in the score value.

    How to use
    1.Put the object you want to measure in the center circle.
    2.If you press the switch, measurement of damage to one object in the circle is started.
    3.Please push the switch when the object is destroyed.

    (Shields and Hannibal Mantis on the map are re-registered as long as they are in the circle even if they are destroyed.)

    Measurement is convenient to do with Forge, but also custom game mode is prepared for those who want to check damage to Spartans.
    On the custom game you can change the durability value of Spartan by entering the circle behind the re-spawn point.
    White circle: change defaults
    circle A: shield 500% health 100%
    circle B: shield 0% health 500% HS on
    circle C: shield 0% health 500% HS off
    circle D: No reload required

    Perhaps I think I can enjoy it for about an hour.


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