Octagon within the Halo community is usually used to warm up, but I always tend to take stuff to the next level. With Cycle Octagon, the classic Octagon has been expanded, with both sides being elevated. Along with the obvious vertical implementation, side rooms and ramps have been added to the side rooms along with a high ground (one-way) teleporters, of which can't be camped.
One major aspect that Octagons is that they never use is environmental advantage. Being a flat box never really shows a speck of skill, but reflexes and health advantage. Cycle Changes that, much like Octagon Evolved, it changes the octagon into more of an classic Halo Area to help the players that interact with the environment for strategic advantage.
The magnum on the middle weapon pad is an extended mag on a 120 respawn timer and 1 extra clip. This gives the player holding only a tad bit of an advantage being the few extra rounds in the mag.
I hope this will push a more interesting evolution of Octagon in the future of either H5 or Infinite.