1. Closed off some extra space in red base

    I have blocked off a couple area towards the back of red base that were not begin used. Exterior still a little WIP

    condensed blue staircase
    added some walls to improve lines of sight
    lowered box count to improve framerate
    closed off top drop to blue base.
    WIP on overall train station look. I want to make it feel less toaster oven
  3. revised lighting and layout WIP

    this is still a WIP but i have updated some areas
    ~opened up floor in back red courtyard
    ~added naming volumes
    ~added more lighting
    ~ removed one plasma rifle
    ~lowered flooring to center structure on top base

    ~WIP escalator on second floor
    ~ looking to create a better way from basement to the top
  4. Booster Fix, Added Sightline blockers, FFA gamemode added, Adjusted some lighting and spawns.

    major fix on center booster and added some sightline blockers on second floor. worked on some of the lighting and spawns. Added free for all spawns.
    Constructive Feedback and testing much appreciated.
  5. WIP - MAjor changes but photos to come

    WIP but I made some major changes to the overall layout. tried to add some blockers to remove some of the framerating and help the line of sight. Reworked the spawn points. added some soft and instant kill zones to box in. Photos and another update ASAP ...WIP