Cryo Gultch

6v6 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Riftocity
    I recently made a new map called Cryo Gultch in Halo 5: Guardians go check it out and give me feedback, I'd like to know how I did and what I can do to improve. I tested out Stronghold, Breakout, CTF and Slayer game modes alone, but if you find any flaws, exploits or anything else concerning please let me know.

    Cryo Gultch is a Blood Gultch inspired map, it uses classic Halo weapons from H1 and H2, tried to keep it in that theme. It is a relatively big map, and calls for 6v6 gameplay, it can support smaller/bigger teams, but 6v6 is perfect. Be sure to explore the map, there are unique locations and weapons. Recommend using a game mode with CE style mechanics and loadouts.
    -Map made by CrypTic Zerr0
    Ryouji Gunblade and TimeDipper like this.


  1. Connie

    Connie Catgirls Don't Cry
    Senior Member

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    You should really consider uploading more than one picture.
  2. Riftocity

    Riftocity Spartan III

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    Trying, they're buffering
  3. TimeDipper

    TimeDipper Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm glad to see you took the first step in sharing your map on ForgeHub! :)

    I highly recommend submitting your map to the ForgedFriday and The Thursday Thirteen testing lobbies. This will guarantee the map to be played by a full lobby and you will get the best gameplay feedback.
    D4rkDeath and Riftocity like this.
  4. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Crashed Pelicans are cool.
  5. Erydhil

    Erydhil Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Honestly... How many prefabs here ? I count at least 4 or 5
  6. Riftocity

    Riftocity Spartan III

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    I have quite a bit of prefabs yes, but this is just an experimental map, its to see how well I can make a map appealing as well as enjoyable to play on. Trying to get spawns down without maby problems of spawn trapping, making sure I can get game modes to woke on the map, try out some lighting and sound fx and just get overall feed back on what to improve on this map to help with future maps. This is the first map I have made and published so just keep that in mind, Halo 5 forge is fairly new to me.
  7. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    I'm not trying to dismiss that reply but I'm pretty sure 95% of people on this site didn't use prefabs in their first Halo 5 map, so telling us to "keep that in mind" is fairly redundant.

    Just saying.
    Mistercheif1171 likes this.
  8. Riftocity

    Riftocity Spartan III

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    Yes, but you did say you were "pretty sure" and I'd just be part of that 5%. On top of this I'm not everyone else on this site, everyone has a different start. So to keep in mind that I'm not like anyone else and use a few prefabs, is completly appropriate in this given instance
  9. Erydhil

    Erydhil Legendary
    Senior Member

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    it's just that use prefabs without tell it is as stealing for me. Prefabs can be a fabulous tool to duplicate things but in the same way an opportunity for many people to deceive voluntary or not.
    Maybe you're simply not aware of that but it's the case an it's legit for forgers that improving every time they are forging.
    ZombieDyer likes this.
  10. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    When I say "pretty sure" its based of knowing the people I'm talking about. Also a lot of us started making maps at the very launch of h5. Your reply effectively uses my use of "pretty sure" and "95%" as a scapegoat and never actually attempts to explain why you would use prefabs instead of spending that extra bit of time. Trust me, if your first work is 100% original, people will hold your future work in a higher regard. You don't wanna be "the guy who came up off of prefabs".

    My advice to you as a new forger is: Go back, make the parts yourself and post an update claiming it to be the final product.

    If you don't wanna do that, that's fine too however you definitely need to post links to all prefabs used in the description and give credit to the original authors.
  11. Riftocity

    Riftocity Spartan III

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    But isnt the point of published prefabs to use them? I understand the credit, but honestly aren't prefabs there for people who have a hard time making them?
  12. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I got to play a game on here in the Forged Friday lobby, here were my thoughts:

    • Scaling - This map is massive. In terms of how many players this felt would fit it, I'd say something close to 32x32. If you want this map to fit 8v8 well, you are going to want to cut about 3/4 of the total play space. Try to look at the size of some of the larger BTB maps in Matchmaking, see how big they actually are, and shoot for something in the same ballpark. Right now it takes so long just to get from one area of the map to another on foot, it makes vehicles feel completely mandatory, and not everyone can be in a vehicle at all times. Furthermore, the distance between bases actually caused rendering issues when looking across the main bridge. The bridge itself does not need to be so long, as it becomes a death trap to try to cross. The bases seemed to be scaled fine, so use those as a basis for how big the rest of the geometry should be.

    • Layout - While the scaling was awful, the underlying layout was actually mostly ok. You have two bases, a bridge over a chasm, and a high side with some infantry oriented routes. I would work on making the bridge a wider, more interesting play space and possibly arching it to shorten line of sight. The upper area should be lowered some to be on par or just above the top of the bridge, so that it does not dominate the rest of the map. The areas surrounding each base could use some hills and/or structures to offer more cover on approach to the base.

    • Weapons & Vehicles - The vehicle sets was heavy but fairly standard for a large scale BTB map. If you want to maintain the Scorpion tanks make sure that there are weapons that can be used to combat them, such as Rocket Launchers or a Spartan Laser. These more powerful weapons should be placed in somewhat neutral locations so that they can be contested by the enemy team.
    TimeDipper, Riftocity and D4rkDeath like this.
  13. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    Yes, but how does that answer anything I just said?
  14. Riftocity

    Riftocity Spartan III

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    Because you want me to justify using prefabs, I don't see it as a thing I should have to justify, its a feature for people to use, not just a showcase. As for the extra bit of time it would take, its time I hardly have, and again, as previously stated, its an experimental map, to see what works and what doesn't. Yes orginality would work best, but its just time I dont have, merely 6 hours a week can be invested. As for the statement of people forging at the launch, I haven't had H5 until recently, barely a month, I don't have that luxury
  15. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    I feel like you're really homing in some things I say, but not leveling out everything I'm saying.

    I never wanted you to justify using them, I'm fully aware why people choose to use them.

    I did say "explain" but only in the context of using them "over" making it 100% original. Time is a big factor when it comes to making maps so I can empathise, but I don't see why you're putting so much emphasis on one flippant comment when there's so much more to the discussion you haven't even bothered elaborating on such as: Why not just make a solid, first map for forgehub to stand out and really wow the other content creators, with rigorous testing with friends beforehand.

    Also I think you meant "I haven't had H5 until recently, barely a month, so I have the luxury of using them compared to the forgers at launch."

    Its a luxury to not have to put in the effort, not the other way around.

    You've turned what was originally advice into a whole crusade.

    Oh-no, no, no, Sir.

    Here's my last piece of advice to you, because, honestly when I first joined the site; I acted the same way in dismissing the senior forger's advice. Now I look back and go "****, I was a real arrogant ****. Why didn't I just embrace the fact I knew **** all about forge and learn from what they had to say".

    Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you have to make. You clearly like to get things spot on so it'll be refreshing to see a first time creator make something actually ****in' playable, especially compared to what I used to make when I start. X)
    Mistercheif1171 likes this.
  16. Riftocity

    Riftocity Spartan III

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    You mentioned I used prefabs without any explanation to why I did, I took that as a sign that you wanted justification. And what I meant was I havent had H5 long, not long enough to have made anything astonishing compared to those who have had H5 since launch they've had enough collective time to make something impressive, as to where I have not. And I don't have friends to test my map, just myself, which is why I was brought to ForgeHub in the first place, I've posted my map on Waypoint and FB and I've gotten 5 random people to play a FFA match when its not made for FFA so it wasn't much help.
  17. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Saving prefabs didn’t even happen for at least 6 months after Halo 5 releasing. Take your feedback from flying shoe. It’s hard posting a new map here as a new forger, the time the game has been out and state of the game has left forge as a tool that most new people don’t explore. Good for you, take it all with a grain of salt and focus on the people here wanting to genuinely steer you in the right direction. Use prefabs if you like, maybe mention that you did and if you did, great. Getting into testing lobbies and finding a friend or two that forged will help you tremendously. Good luck new guy!
  18. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    In that case, I would try to reach out to groups before posting. The testing lobbies (as stated before by the others) are a great place to start. But finding your way into a conglomerate like I Forgefactory or even a smaller gang-esc group like Forge Consolidated can really make all the difference.
  19. TimeDipper

    TimeDipper Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I had a peek at the map and here are a few things I would recommend:

    - The Scale is quite large, try looking at some of the BTB maps currently in Matchmaking to get a feel for the size. Try using the Grid props and simple pieces to make a template for yourself.

    - Like Shoe said with the weapons, place power weapons in more neutral territory. There was a Ghost and a rocket launcher way way back behind the one base. Most players wont bother traveling that distance as there is no action back there. Try moving the vehicles and weapons by/between the two bases.

    - The Invisible blockers were placed at strange angles and not flush. Most players could probably abuse this and hide behind the invisible blockers.

    - The bridge was quite long for infantry only. Scaling down the map with a smaller bridge would probably play better.

    - Prefabs, yes there is nothing wrong with prefabs and they are there to be used. But most Forgers appreciate if you credit them for using their work. I am not saying you have to, just don't try to claim someone else's work as your own or you wont build a good reputation for yourself. I use them as inspiration to create my own stuff.

    That is just some stuff I came across. I highly recommend checking out a lot of other work to get an understanding what makes a BTB map and gameplay fun and smooth. Look at common factors such as scale, amount of weapons, number of spawns, number of pieces, forge budgets and so on. Most importantly, take your time to create your vision of a map. Quality is always better then quantity.

    Good luck on your journey, I look forward to seeing your future work.
    #20 TimeDipper, Feb 5, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018

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