1. we made it to Matchmaking :) Thanks everyone!

    xNFx Monsta
    Thanks to everyone who checked out the map during its development process, especially to those who provided vital feedback! I know its a little late to be posting this but none the less what i said still stands :) Its only because of you guys that the map even made it into matchmaking in the first place! so thank you.

    A lot of people i know have asked me why the intro is so bad or lackluster or why the map doesnt have more scripting or a little more detail, to simply put it the map had Sooooooo much detail that we struggled very hard to keep it below 106% lightmap and we used up all 1024 blocks. Nokyard then further instructed us to remove the majority of the detail from the map to improve the lightmap and frame rate issues for matchmaking play. ( older copies of the map can still be found in my fileshare )

    Originally we had visual effects and scripted moving piece's absolutely everywhere but we quickly learned that it was just not suitable for matchmaking. As for the Intro cinematic we had actually scripted a pelican that would rise, turn and then fly directly out of the hanger and then de-spawn.

    What is not know to 343 or whoever passed the maps on to them is that if you do not hold/select the pelican after launching the map in forge it will actually delete itself from the map entirely after the despawn timer script kicks in at around 15 seconds. Its a very unfortunate forge bug that cost us so much! we were looking forward to everyones faces when they saw the pelican rise and turn to fly out of the hanger to provide an undoubtable sense of immersion. RBG Persian and i were deeply depressed by this misshap, we know it wasnt 343's intention to delete the pelican but it just happened. Maybe in the future they might try to fix it by just getting a new save with the proper cinematic intro. So that is why the intro is basically just a small loop of the court, its because it was supposed to show the pelican leaving the hanger.

    The only other reason i could think of for the pelican to be gone in the intro is that maybe 343 didnt know that we solved the round issue where the pelican would linger in the court when grifball was played in rounds. We just had it de-spawn accordingly in each round and fixed the issue. OR maybe they just didnt want to risk using a scripted piece in the middle of the court during a matchmade game, due to lag it could affect the pelican and cause it to do some weird stuff possibly. Who knows.

    If it was a mistake that the pelican was deleted both Persian and i would appreciate it alot if one of the cartographers could notify 343 about this issue. Theoretically it sounds simple to solve but practically there might be some issues so we understand if nothing can be done.

    Anyhow thanks everyone for sticking with us through this micro journey! it means alot. You guys have no clue how crazy cool it is to see your map in matchmaking :D and we have nobody else to thank for that but Forgehub and the cartographers who ran the project :)

    We hope to see you all in a possible future project!
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