1. The league update

    xNFx Monsta
    The map has now become finalised and is ready for competitive griffball. After countless and countless of hours being put into the development of the map it is finally complete. Cant thank my co-forger 'RBG persian' enough for all the help he provided in making this map, and huge thanks to Nokyard for dealing with some of our **** ;) hehehe

    Anyhow the updates for version 3.0 include:
    -Better spawn system and bomb plate placements
    ( courtesy of Nokyard :) )
    -Better pelican intro animation and added outro animation.
    -Replaced glitchy invisible barriers with black transparent grids in order to achieve as smooth as possible gameplay while in the court.
    -Fixed and heightened the outside railings of the court to support a smoother more unique run way
    -Fixed lighting issues
    -Reduced Frame rate drops to nil
    - Removed a huge amount of unnecessary detail in favour of better light map, this also helped with frame rate issues.
    -Removed and added certain barriers
    -cleaned up ramping's and aligned them correctly
    -Fixed up masterchief entrance side ( yes thats what we call it haha ) by removing some details and adding others
    -Implemented the use of Chroma screens in some areas in order to avoid using up lightmap and budget
    -Added back the sitting grunt easter eggs due to popular request
    -Removed hanging man easter egg
    -Removed break dancing grunts falling from the ceiling into the map through activation of switch easter egg
    -Removed the moving structures in the centre of the map as to avoid play experiences such as moving backwards into the object and getting stuck
    -Re positioned glass
    -Re positioned pelicans
    -Added flying pelicans outside the map that fly in an oval space to create more atmosphere
    -Added sound effects to the court to increase immersion
    -Fixed ball getting thrown into the rocks at the ceiling glitch
    -Added Invisible barriers to the pistons at the ceiling of the map in order to prevent players from reaching and camping up there on them ( not sure if actually possible )
    -Better spawn positioning of initial cameras
    -Despawn sequence added to the intro pelican in order to avoid the scenario where it fly's back into the map by mistake due to chance in its scripting

    Aaaaaaaaaaaannnddd Lastly
    Added a description of the map and made the last separate save.
    It is ready for download under the name 'Crows court' the description should state that its version 3.0 thats how you will know its the right version of the map.
    DazeJet likes this.
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