Corridor is a Halo 5 infection map which takes place in a Sci-Fi apartment district. This map is exclusively for infection and is not set up for slayer, strongholds, assault, CTF, or any other gamemode besides Infection.
This map features vertical gameplay with numerous catwalks connecting the two structures.
Lore: You were dropped in to provide relief for the victims of an unknown outbreak in a human living district, though you quickly realized your efforts were futile against this unknown infection. Defend yourself until you succumb to the unknown biological lifeforms.
Get the map @Sushi Shikigami , I encourage you to test the map with your friends, please report any gameplay bugs/issues and any visual glitches (ie: phased wall pieces flashing, lighting issues, etc...) in this thread.
PS: This is my submission for Halo 5 Matchmaking Infection.