GT= i LoTuS i
Newest version 1.3! New movement and fixed the broken fileshare
Version 1.0 Walkthrough:
Version 1.3 Changes flythrough:
This is not a typical remake, the size ,scale, and pathing have been adjusted for Halo 5 physics and movement
There have been a few key changes compared to the original map, notably:
- Drop down vents from the sniper nests down to bottom security/bottom red tunnel
- A sneaky crouch vent between top red and blue window which branches off to a drop-down to mid-red platform.
- New jump up from bottom cargo to blue tunnel and blue window to red tunnel.
These small changes open the maps movement options and gives a completely new interior path that allows for even more vertical combat and flanking opportunities perfectly suited for Halo 5's fast play style.
The original CE "Zyos" jump remains intact from Red window to top lookout and also the Blue corner to top Blue window jump, both are achieved with a crouch-hover jump onto the lights overhead.
The size is just a taste larger than 'Prisoner' for good reason. It allows a 4v4 play ground with enough room for team movement/shot and tactics instead of total spawn domination like the original had built in.
This has been a labor of love utilizing all of the 1024 piece limit. I spend countless hours finessing the lighting and set dressing for competitive play. I hope you all enjoy!
2x Sniper Rifle - 180s (Original position)
1x SPNKr Rocket - 240s (Original position)
1x Scatter Shot - Bottom Cargo
1x Light Rifle - Red Platform
2x Battle Rifle - Blue Window and Red Window
1x SMG - Blue window corner
1x Needler - Bottom Red
1x HALO CE Pistol - 60s after dropped Top Red Sneaky
Overshield - Top Lookout (Original position)
Camouflage - Bottom Middle
Version 1.2 GAMEPLAY CLIP -
i LoTuS i