1. Contract Version 2

    no god anywhere
    With version 2 comes a large amount of additions, adjustments and fixes. Please leave feedback for any issues you still find or if you like the map!

    *New lighting and aesthetics all around

    -Game start countdown with scripting
    -Open window ledge + increased thickness
    -Nade wall top gold
    -Railing/Ledge on mid purple lifts
    -Fusion coils at bottom closed lift and top gold
    -Skill jump on Lobby window

    -Lobby windows
    -Platform at bottom under sword (MLG Snipe)
    -Darkened walls around the map
    -Starting cameras
    -Strongholds Placement

    Weapon changes
    -Changed sniper from a platform to standard spawn
    -Switched 2 magnums with BRs and removed a BR in Lobby
    -Added suppressor at original brute shot spawn #2
    -Added hydra launcher at original pod launcher spawn

    -ZFighting all around
    -Spawn points working incorrectly
    -Killzones and barriers
    -Gold and purple lift reliabilty

    + Miscellaneous small things like block swapping, block color adjustments and refining.
    Zaelkyria likes this.
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