
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. ACEofWINNING348
    Do NOT use the Waypoint link as it does not link to the Map.

    To start of here this map was created for the HSFN November Contest. This contest was an art contest in which we were given a block out and we needed to create a functioning map out of it.(Add art/theme, weapons, spawns, and cinematics)

    While I was creating this map I also was playing Halo PC. This is where I really got sold on the idea of a swamp/rain forest. Like the one seen on the first mission where the flood is introduced. The "bridges" also took inspiration from their counter parts in CE.

    This map is NOT Final and I'll continue to update and fix this map in the Future. If you are interested in the original layout as the one in the block out the map is Contact HSFN. If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues please let me know.
    Ryouji Gunblade and fame28 like this.


  1. Pat Sounds

    Pat Sounds Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks dope! I've been wondering when I was gonna see more entries pop up. Good luck in the contest man.
    ACEofWINNING348 likes this.
  2. ACEofWINNING348

    ACEofWINNING348 Legendary

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    ACEofWINNING348 updated Contact with a new update entry:

    General Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I thought you couldn't update it after you submitted it. At least till the results are revealed. I may be wrong but you might what to hide the fact you updated it for now just in case.
    TimeDipper likes this.

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